Asprin, Robert Lynn – Catwoman – Tiger Hunt (With Lynn Abbey)

There probably weren’t more than a handful of doormen in Gotham City who were worth the powder to blow them up, but Eddie Lobb was living in a condo that employed one of them. Rose was safe from everything but her lover while this little gargoyle was guarding the front door. Selina had the advantages of height, reach, and age—not to mention her constant training. She figured that no matter how good he was, she could take him out in under a minute. Of course, a scuffle that lasted thirty seconds drew a crowd; you could make book at one that lasted a full minute. This guy wouldn’t be taken in by the scarf. He’d see her face, remember it, and—with her usual luck—he’d agree to go down to the precinct to look at the mug books.

Most of Gotham’s finest might not know who Catwoman was, but they had plenty of pictures of Selina Kyle. You couldn’t walk the night in stiletto-heeled boots and a cut-out leather dress and not have the cops taking snapshots—right profile, left profile, full front.

“You read, missy?” He stabbed a blunt finger at the brass plate proclaiming: No soliciting. All visitors must be announced. “You got no business here.”

“No,” Selina agreed. She stepped back, out of critical distance, and the confrontation ended. She spun on her heel, giving him an eyeful of the garish scarf to blur his memory—just in case he was still on duty when she came back.

She would go back. Her mind was churning before the rain struck her face again. Her stomach was churning, too, reminding her that it had been too long since her last meal. Stuffing her hands in her pants pockets, she fingered the crumpled bills and loose change. More than enough for a meal at the greasy spoon across the street—the one with the window booths and a clear view of Keystone Condominiums from sidewalk to roof.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert