Asprin, Robert Lynn – Catwoman – Tiger Hunt (With Lynn Abbey)

It had already become apparent to Bonnie that she was not going to get her fair share of credit. At that moment, however, she was in sufficiently high spirits that the snub cast no shadow across her happiness.

“We’re going to put the squeeze on Edward Lobb until he sings the right song,” the extremely clean-cut lawyer said with a wolfish grin.

Edward Lobb was not a nice man. Bonnie had known this from the beginning, but the lawyer made it clear that Eddie’s habit of collecting the bodily remains of endangered species paled beside his many other illegal activities. On the other hand, until Bonnie’s photographs arrived in the Federal Prosecutor’s hands, they’d been unaware of it.

“We like to target midlevel sleazeballs like Eddie. They take us up and down the ladder of their organizations,” the lawyer explained. “We look for their Achilles’ heels. Your pictures gave it to us for Eddie Lobb. We went to our judge; she gave us the search warrants. We’ll execute those warrants tomorrow morning at eight A.M. We’ll clean that place out. We’re going to prove that every item in that room was illegally brought into this country, and we’re going to throw the book at him for each and every piece. If Eddie’s sleeping in, we’ll have him, too. If he isn’t, by noon we’ll have arrest warrants printed with his name on them in letters two inches high. He’s looking at death from a thousand cuts, until he cuts a deal with us.”

Bonnie clamped her teeth together. She understood that this was the way American justice worked and that getting Eddie to rat on his associates from a witness protection program was more useful than simply throwing him into jail. She suspected that Selina, and Catwoman, were going to see things differently. She could, in fact, imagine the questions Selina was going to ask, and decided she better have the answers. She raised her hand and waved it.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert