Asprin, Robert Lynn – Catwoman – Tiger Hunt (With Lynn Abbey)

Across the avenue, shielding himself instinctively in shadow, Eddie Lobb—Tiger to himself and his professional associates—surveyed the scene with a heartfelt curse. He hadn’t been happy from the moment he heard the Bess-arabs singing. The goddamned sheepherders didn’t belong anywhere near Gotham City; they didn’t belong in this century. But his boss wanted that painting bad enough to do the deal right here because all the principals wanted to visit America. His heart had skipped a beat when the dark 4 × 4 whisked by. He thought it was as bad as it could get when the first shot was fired. Then, insult to injury, Batman dropped in out of nowhere to mix things up beyond all hope.

When he saw the wooden box—the wooden box—sail into the 4 × 4, Tiger wanted to throw up. None of this was his fault, but the boss wouldn’t see it that way when he found out. The boss would ream him out six ways from Sunday and he’d still have to try to track down that priceless, ugly painting.

Nothing was going right. Not since he gave Rose the tigerhead box. Maybe he shouldn’t have given a talisman away like that. She hadn’t liked it anyway. Shit, she wouldn’t touch it until he made her. Maybe the tiger spirit was testing him. Maybe if he passed the test, everything would start going right again. He better pass soon. There were headlights in the street again. The van was coming. He’d have to put his story together in a hurry.

Eddie looked around, making sure the Batman was gone, then started walking toward the lights.

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Categories: Asprin, Robert