Blood Test by Kellerman, Jonathan

particUlarly vulnerable moment. She got in touch’

with her guilt and spilled out her confession because

he seemed like such a compaSsionate fellow.

“Anyone else would have considered it just another

sad story and kept it


he was so

knew. And he

nothing to him. When his future as a

to look shaky, he drove down

you with his knowledge, demanding a bigger piece

of the pie. You feigned Concession, doped hiTM Up

until he fell asleep, had one of your faithful drive

him halfway back to L.A., to the Wilmington docks.

Another ollowed in a second car. They set up a

fatal accident, watched it happen, and drove off.

The technique is simple enough–Wed,ge, a board

· between the seat and the accelerator.. ·

“Close.” Matthias smiled. “We used a tree branch.

Apple tree, Organic. He hit the wail’at fifty

said he. looked like a tomato omelet afterward.

Licking his mustache, he gave me a hard .meaningful

look. “He was a grasping, greedy pig.”

“If.that’s supposed to scare me off, forgetit. A

hundred and fifty. Firm.”

The guru, sighed.

“By itself the hundred and fifty is a nuisance,” he

said. “And a palatable one. But who’s to say it’ll

stop there? I’ve looked you up, Delaware. You were

a top man in your fieJd but now work onl irregu

larly. Despite your aplarent indolence, you like .to

live ,well. That worries me. Nothing feeds greed

more quickly than a sizable gap between, want and

have. A new car, couple of fancy vacations, down

payment on a condo in Mammoth, and it’s all,gone.

Next thing I know, you’re back with an outstretc ihed

“I’m not greedy, Matthews; just resourceful If

your-research was thorough you’d know I made a

bunch of good investments that are still paying off.

I’m thirty-five and stable, have lived comfortably.

Without your money and could do so indefinitely.

But I like the idea of ripping off a master rip-off

artist. As a one-shot deal. When the one fifty’s,

safely in my hands you’ll never see or hear from ne


He grew thoughtful.

“Would you consider two hundred in coke?”

“Not a chance. Never touch the stuff, Hard cash.”

He pursed his lips and frowned.

“You’re a tough bastard, Doctor, You’ve got the

killer instinct–which I admire in the abstract. Barry

was wrong about you He said you were a straight

arrow,.sickeningly sel pounds ighteous. In actuality you’re

a jackal.”

“He wasa lousy psychologist.. Never did-under-stand


“Neither do you, apparently,” Hestood suddenly

and gestured to the cultists on-the hilL-They rose

in unison and marched forward, abattalion in white.

I bounded up quickly.

“You’re making a mistake, Matthews. Fve taken

precautions for exactly this contingency, tf I’m not

back in L.A. by eight the files get opened. One by


u re an ass,” he snapped. “When I was an

attorney I chewed up people like you and spat

them out. Shrinks were the easiest to terrorize. I

made one wet his pants up on the stand. A full

professor, no less. Your bush-league attempt at arm

twisting is pathetic. In a-matter of minutes i’ll

know the location of every gingle one of those files.

Barry wants to handle the interrogation personally.

I think it’s an

is quite robust.

suited to the job. It Will !

And when the inf0rmatiofi is in

dispatched. Another unfortunate

The cultists marched closer, robotlike and grim.

“Call them off, Matthews. Don’t dig yourself


“Excruciating,” he repeated’ and beckoned them


They formed a circle around us. Blank, middle-aged

faces. Tight little mouths Empty eyes. Empty

minds …

Matthias turned his back on me.

338 Jonat/uTM Kelle.nan

“What ff there are other copies?’Ones I dn’t

tell you about?”

“Good-bye, Doctor,” he said, scornfully, .aad

gan to exit the circle.

The others stepped aside to let him through and

closed ranks immediately after he’d passed. I spotted

Graffius. His puny frame quivered wi.th anticipation.

An ellipse of drool dotted his lower lip.

When our eyes met the lip drew back hatefully.

“Take-him,” he order

The bLack-bearded giant stepped forward and

grabbed one of my arms. Another large.man, heavy

set and gap-toothed, grasped the other. Graffius

gave the signal and they dragged me toward.the

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