Blood Test by Kellerman, Jonathan

the balls. It was like being a kid again, having to ask

permission for everything. He forced me to go to

school, said I had to make something of myself.

Christ, I’m thirty-six and I’m in junior college! If I

get good grades there’ll be a place for me at Car-michael

Oil. What a crock. Nothing’s gonna change


Jonathan Kellermaa

me into someone I’m not. What the hell does he

want from me?”

He looked at us beseechingly, wanting support.

My instinct was to give it to him but this wasn’t

therapy. Milo let him cool down before he spoke.

“And if he finds out about your current job, kaput,


“Shit.” Carmichael stroked his beard. “I can’t

help it. I like doing that kind of thing. God gave me

a great body and a great face and I get off on

sharing it with other people. It’s like acting but

private, .so it’s better, more intimate. When I used

to dance I could feel the women’s eyes on me. I

played to them, treated them good. I wanted them

to cream right there. It felt so–loving.”

“I told this to your boss and I’H tell it to you,”

said Milo, “we don’t give a damn who fucks who in

this city. It only becomes a problem wheh people

get cut or shot or strangled in the process.”

Carmichael didn’t seem to have heard,

“‘I mean it’s not like I’m hooking or anything,” he

insisted. “I don’t need the moneymin a good week I

pull in six, maybe seven hundred bucks.” He dismissed

that kind of money with a wave of his hand,

Operating from the distorted value system of one

born into wealth.

“Doug,” said Milo, with authority in his voice,

“stop defending yourself and listen: we don’t care

about what you do with your dick. Your file will

stay sealed. Just tell us about Nona.”

The message finally got through. The look on

Carmichael’s face was that of a child who’d reo

ceived an unexpected gift. I realized that I kept

thinking of him as a big kid because, except for the

manly outer husk, everything about him was child-

like-, immature. A classic case of arrested”


“She was a barracuda,” he said. “You had to hold

her back or she got too aggressive. The last time wc

yorked together was a stag party for an older guy

who was getting married for the second time. A

bUnCh of middle-aged men, salesman types, in this

apartment in Canoga Park. They’d been drinking

hard and watching fuck films before we got there.

We were doing jock and cheerleader that nght. I

had on a football uniform and she was wearing a

jersey top, a little pleated skirt, and sneakers. Pompons,

her hair in pigtails, the works.

“Those guys were harmless old farts. Before.we

got there they’d probably been talking big, hooting

at the movies like guys do when they’re ‘nervous.

Then wc walked in,they saw her, and I thought a

few hearts were gonna give out. She wiggled at ’em,

batted her lashes, showed a lot of tongue. We had

the skit all planned out but she decided to ad lib.

The script says we do a little minor league fondling

while trading suggestive lineS–you know stuff like

I ask her how she’d like to be my wide receiver and

she says ‘Do it again, we like it, we like it!’ She was

a lousy actress, by the Way, rea] flat, no emotion.

But the audiences seemed to dig her–her looks

made up for it, I guess. Anyway, these old ‘guys

were eating it up and she got toff on it. That’s

probably what gave her the idea of getting really


‘”AH of a sudden she reached into my pants,

grabbed my cock, did a bump and grind, started

jerking me off all the time gyrating at them. I

wanted to stop her–we’re not supposed to go past

the ipt. unless we,re asked’to.” He stopped, looked

14 Jomthan

uncomfortable. “And paid to. But I couldn’t do it

because it would have ruined the skit and been a

downer for all those old guys.

.”They were staring at her and she was groping

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