Blood Test by Kellerman, Jonathan

Milo whistled softly. I felt an involuntary tug

below the waist.

“Quite a gal, eh?” asked .Jan Rambo. “A lot of

skin passes through these portals, gentlemen. She

stood out from the rest of them. I started calling

her Daisy Mae because there was a naive quality to

her. Limited life experience. Despite that, she was

100 Jonathan lllerma

a little girl who knew her way around, know what I

mean ?”

“When were these taken?” asked Milo.

“First day she got here-what’s it say, a week

ago? I took one look at her and called the cameraman. We shot and developed ’em the same day. I saw her as a good investment, started her off’ on

messenger service.”

“Doing what, exactly?” he pushed.

“Doing messenger work, exactly. We’ve got a few

basic skits—doctor and nurse, .professor and coed,

Adam and Eve, dominatrix and slave or vice versa.

The old cliches, but your average yahoo can’t break

out of cliches even when it’s fantasy time. The

client picks the Skit, we send out couples, and they

do it like a messagemyou know, Happy Birthday,

Joe Smith, this is from the boys in the Tuesday

night poker group and, presto, the show is on. It’s

all legal–they joke around, but nothing that challenges

the penal code.”

“How much does that run the poker buddies?”

“Two hundred. Sixty goes to the messengers, split fifty-fifty. Plus tips.”

I did some quick mental arithmetic. Working half-time

Nona could have pulled in a hundreddollars a

day or more. Big bucks for a country girl barely out

of her teens.

“What if the client is willing to pay more to see

more?” I asked.

She looked sharply at me. “I was wondering if

you talked. Like I said before, the messengers are

free to do what they want on their own time. Once

the skit is over, it’s their own time. You like jazz?”

“Good jazz,” I answered.

“Me, too. Like Miles and Coltrane and Bird. Know

what makes them great? They know how to

vise, Far be it from me to discourage improvisation.”

She took out another Sherman and lit it from the

one smoldering in her mouth.

“That’s all she did, huh?” asked Milo. “Skits.”

“She could’ve done. more–I had plans for her,

Movies, magazine layouts.”. The meaty face c reused

into a smile. “She was cooperative–took off her

clothes without batting an eye. They must raise

’em wild in the country.” She rolled the cigarette

between stubby fingers. “Yeah, I had plans but she

split on me, Worked a week and–” She snapped

her fingers–“pooL”

“Any word where she was going?”

“Not a hint. And I didn’t ask. This is no surro.

gate family. It’s a business. I don’t play mommy

and I don’t want to be treated like one. Skin comes

and skin goes–this city’s full of perfect bodies who

think their buns are gonna make ’em rich. Some

learn faster than others. High volume, high turnover.

Still,;’ she admitted, “that redhead had something.”

“Anyone else who’d know anything about he?”

“Can’t think of anyone. She kept to herself.”

“What about the guys she messengered with?”

“Guy. Singular. She was only here a week. I

don’t remember his name offhand, and I’m not gonna

comb through the files to find it. You guys have

just been handed a big freebie.” She pointed to the

file. “You can even keep it, okay?”

“Tax your memory,” pressed Milo. “It’s not like

it’s a big deal–how many studs do you have in

your stable?”

“You’d be surprised,” she said, stroking the marble

desktop. “Meeting adjourned.”

102 Jonathan Kellerman

“Listen,” he persisted, “you’ve been minimally

helpful but it doesn’t make you Suzy Citizen. It’s

hot outside, you’ve got great air conditioning in

here, a fantastic view. Why sweat it at the station,

waiting who knows how long for your lawyer to

show up?” He held out his hands, palms up, and

gave her a boyish grin. “Want to try again?”

The muddy eyes narrowed and her face turned

nastily porcine. She pressed a button and Leon


“Who was the guy teamed up with that redhead,


“Doug,” he said without hesitation.

“Last name,” she snapped.

“Carmichael. Douglas Carmichael.”

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