Blood Test by Kellerman, Jonathan

kill more,

The mechanics of the Laminar Airflow rooms

particularly fascinated him and he asked .me detailed,

analytical questions until my fund of answers

was exhausted.

“Months in that plastic box,” he said, troubled.

“And they don’t freak out?”

“Not if it’s handed right. You’ve got to orient

the child to time and space, encourage the family o

spend as much time there as possible. You sterilize

favorite toys and clothes and bring them in, provide

lots of stimulation. The key is to minimize the

difference between home and hospital–there’s always

going to be some, but you can buffer it.”

“Interesting. You know what I’m flashing on, don’t

you ?”

“What’s that?”

“AIDS. Same principle, right ? Lowered resistance

to infection.”

“Similar but not identical,” I said. “The laminar

airflow filters out bacteria and fungi in order to

protect the kids during treatment. But the loss of

immunity is temporary–after chemotherapy’s over,

their systems rebound. AIDS is permanent and AIDS

victims have other problems–Kaposi’s Sarcoma, vi-


ral infections. The modules might

a while, but not indefinitely.”

“Yeah, but you gotta admit, it’s a hell of an ira–age:

Santa Monica Boulevard lined with thousands

of plastic cubes, each one with some poor guy wast-

ing away inside. You cbuld charge admission, raise

enough money to find a cure.”

He let out a hitter laugh.

“The wages of sin,” he shook his head. “Enough

to make you a Puritan. I hear the horror Stories and

thank God I’m monogamous. Rick’s been fielding a

lot’of shit from both sides. Last week a patient

came to the E.R. with a mangled arm–bar fightm

and g]ommed onto the fact that Rick was gay. Probably

a paranoid guess, because Rick doesn’t exactly

swish, but he didn’-t deny it when this turkey demanded

to know if they were giving him a faggot

doctor. The guy refused to let Rick touch him,

screamed about AIDS–no matter that he’s bleeding

all over the place. So Rick walked away. But

the rest of the docs were up to their elbows in

shit–Saturday night and they were wheeling ’em

in one after the other. It threw the whole system

out of whack. Everyone ended up getting pissed at

Rick. He was a goddamn leper for the rest of the


“Poor guy. ‘

“poor guy .s right. The man was top of his class,

chief resident at Stanford, and he’s taking this kind

of crap? He came home in a dark mood. The hell of

it is, night before, he was telling me that working

with gay patients–especially the ones who came in

bleeding–was making him antsy. I did heavy-duty

therapy that night, Alex.”

He spooned the last bit of ice cream into his


“Heavy-duty,” he repeated and brushed the hair

out of his eyes. “But hey, that’s what love’s all

about, right?”

MILO BEGGED off the case during the drive back to

the Sea Breeze Motel,

“I can’t take it any further,” he said apologetically.

“All we’ve got at this point is a missing persons

squeal, and that’s stretching it.”

“I know. Thanks for coming down.”

“No big deal. It was a break from routine. Just so

happens I’ve got a particularly cruddy routine right

now. Gang shooting–two cholos blown away–liquor

store clerk ripped with a broken bottle, and, a real

sweethearta rapist who shits on his victims’ abdomens

when he’s through with them. We know he’s

attacked at least seven women. The last one ended

up more than defiled.”


“Jesus won’t forgive this creep.” He frowned and

turned on Sawtelle toward Pico. “Each year I tell

myself I’ve witnessed the depths of depravity and

each year the scumbags out there prove me wrong

Maybe I should have taken the exam.”


Fifteen months ago he and I had exposed a prominent

orphanage as a brothel catering to pedophiles,

solving a handful of murders in the process. He’d

been a hero and had been invited to take the lieutenant’s

exam. There was no doubt he’d have passed,

because he’s brilliant, and the brass had let him

know the city was ready for a gay loot as long as he

didn’t flaunt it.H’e d debated it internally for a

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