Blood Test by Kellerman, Jonathan

study, dividing the children into experimental

and control groups, the latter treated in


57 …..

regular hospital rooms using conventional isolation

procedures such as masks .and gowns. He hired

microbiologists to monitor the germ count. He gained

access to a computer at Gal Tech to analyze the

data. He was ready to go.

Then someone raised the issue of psychological


Raoul pooh-poohed the risk, but others weren’t

convinced. After all, they reasoned, the plans were

to subject children as young as two to what could

only be termed sensory deprivation–months in a

plastic room,’ no skin to skin contact with other

human beings, segregation from normal life activities.

A protective environment, to be sure, but one

that could be harmful. It needed to be looked into.

At the time I was a junior level psychologist and

was offered the job because none of the other therapists

wanted anything to do with cancer. And none

of them wanted to work with Raoul Melendez-Lynch;

I saw it as an opportunity to do some fascinating

research and prevent emotional catastrophe. The

first time I met Raoul and tried to tell him about

my ideas, he gave me a cursory glance, returned his

attention to the New EngLand Journal, and nodded


When I finished my pitch he looked up and said,

“I suppose you’ll be needing an office.”

It wasn’t an auspicious beginning, but gradually

his eyes were opened to the value of psychological

consultation. I badgered him into building the unit

so that each module had access to a window and. a

clock. I nagged him until he obtained funds for a

fuR-time play therapist and a social worker for the

families. I cadged a healthy chunk of computer

time for psychological data. In the end it paid off.

58 JOnathan Kellerma

Other hospitals were having to release patients from

isolation because of psychological problems but our

children adjusted well. I collected mountains of

data and published several articles and a monograph

with Raoul as co-author. The psychological

findings received more scientific attention than the

medical articles, and by the end of three years he

was an enthusiastic supporter of psychosocial care

and somewhat humanized.

We grew friendly, though on a relatively superficial

level. Sometimes he talked about his childhood.

His family, originally Argentinian, had escaped from

Havana in a fishing boat after Castro nationalized

their plantation and most of their wealth. He was

proud of a family tradition of physician-businessmen.

All of his uncles and most of his cousins, he explained,

were doctors, many of them professors of

medicine. (All were fine gentlemen except Cousin

Ernesto, who was a scum-sucking Communist pig.

Ernesto had been a doctor, too, but he’d abandoned

his family and his profession for the life of a radical

murderer. No matter that thousands of fools

worshipped him as Ch Guevara. To Raoul he’d

of the family.)

As successful as he was in medicine, his personal

life was a disaster. Women were fascinated by him

but ultimately repelled by his obsessive character.

Four of them endured marriage with him and he

sired eleven children, most of whom he never saw.

A complex and difficult man.

Now he sat in a plastic chair in a drab little

office and tried to be macho about the buzz saw

ripping through his skull.

“I’d like to meet the’ boy,” I said.

“Of course. I can introduce-you now, if youtd like.”

Beverly Lucas came in just as he was about to get


“Good morning, gentlemen, she said. “Alex–how

nice to see you.”

“Hi, Bev.”

I rose and we embraced briefly.

She looked good, though considerably thinner than

I remembered. Years ago, she’d been a cheerful,

rather innocent trainee, full o£ enthusiasm. The

kind voted Miss Bubbly in high school.-She had to

be thirty by now, and some of the pixie cuteness

had turned to womanly determination. She was

petite and fair, with rosy cheeks and straw-colored

hair worn in a long soft perm, Her round open face

was dominated by hazel saucer eyes and untouched

by makeup. She wore no jewelry and her clothes

were simple–knee-length navy skirt, short-sleeved

blue-and-red plaid blouse, penny loafers. She carried

an oversize d’purse, which she swung up on

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