C.J. Cherryh. Chanur’s Venture

knees and wrenched the lock lever down, tugged with all her might at the lid and

tumbled back as it came free.

A form like some insect in its cell lifted a pale, breather-masked face in a

cloud of steam as the inner air met outer. With a muffled cry Tully began to

writhe outward, in a frosting stench of heat and human sweat that almost

overcame the fish and fruit. Chur helped, kneeling — seized Tully’s

white-shirted shoulders and dragged him free in a tumble and slide of fruit, in

a cloud of breath and steam from his overheated body.

He gasped, struggled wild-eyed to his feet, hands flailing.

“Tully,” Pyanfar said-he was blinded by the lights, she thought; he looked

half-drowned in the heat that narrow confinement had contained. “Tully, it’s us,

it’s us, for the gods’ sake.”

“Pyanfar,” he cried and threw himself into her arms. “Pyanfar!” — losing

breather-cylinder and hoses and stumbling through the stinking fruit in which he

had slid outward. He pressed his steaming self against her, his heartbeat so

violent she felt it through his ribs.

“Easy,” she said. Hunter instincts. Her heart tried to synch with his. “Careful,

Tully.” She kept her ears up all the same, carefully disengaged his shaking arms

and pushed him back. His eyes were wild with fear. “You safe. Hear? Safe, Tully.

On The Pride.”

He babbled in his own tongue. Water poured from his eyes and froze on his face.

“Got,” he said. “Got–” and abandoned her to dive back into the can, pawing amid

the tangle of discarded breathing apparatus and trampled fruit, to stagger up

again with a large packet in his grasp. He held it out to her, wobbling as she

took it from his hands.

“Goldtooth,” he said, and something else that did not get past his chattering


“He’s going to freeze,” said Chur, throwing one of the two coldsuits about his

thinly clad, hairless shoulders.

And perhaps he only then recognized the others, for he cried “Chur,” and

staggered a step to fling his arms about her, shivering visibly as the cold

disspated the last of his heat. “Hilfy!” –as Hilfy unmasked herself; he reached

for her.

But his legs went and he slid almost to the ground before Hilfy and Chur could

save him. “Hil-fy!” –foolishly, from a sitting posture on the burning cold

deck, with Hilfy’s arms about him.

“Get him up,” Pyanfar snapped at them both. “Get him to the lift, for the gods’

sakes!” –waving them that way with the packet in one hand, for her feet were

freezing and Tully’s wet clothes were stiffening, with crystals in his hair.

He made shift to walk when they had pulled him up. He hung on them the long,

long course down the tracks to the platform stairs, and labored the metal steps

with them supporting him on either side and Pyanfar shoving from behind. He

faltered at the top, recovered as they heaved him up with his arms across their


“Hang on.” Pyanfar reached the lift and punched the button for them, held the

door open on that blast of seeming heat and the glare of light while Hilfy and

Chur between them dragged Tully in and held him on his feet. A dull white frost

formed on the lift surfaces.

“Paper,” Tully mumbled, lifting his head.

“Got.” She closed the door after her and sent the car hurtling forward. Chur

held Tully tight against her body and Hilfy pressed close on the other side as

the car reached the forward limit and started its topside climb.

“Get him to sickbay,” Pyanfar said as it went. “Get him warm and for the gods’

sakes get him washed.”

That brought a lifting of Tully’s head. His beautiful golden mane was wet with

melting frost and clung to the naked skin about his eyes. He stank abysmally of

fish and fruit and scared human. “Friend,” he said. It was his best word. He

offered that, and that frightened look. In distress Pyanfar reached out and

patted his shoulder with claws all pulled.

“Sure. Friend.”

Gods, not to be sure of them. And to have come this far on hope alone.

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J