C.J. Cherryh. Chanur’s Venture

in the level, gleaming floor. One gossamer-clad stsho stood to meet them,

recorder in hand. Another sat serenely important in the central bowl. Gtst

–(stsho had three sexes at one time, and neither he, she, nor it was really

adequate) gtst was ornamented in subtlest colors ranging into hues invisible to

hani eyes, but detectible at the verges, whites with low violet shimmerings on

the folds. Gtst tattooings were equally illusory on gtst naturally pearly skin,

and shaded off into green and violets. Pearl-toned plumes nodded from augmented

brows, shading moonstone eyes. The small mouth was clamped in disapproving

straightness and nostrils flared in busy alternation.

Pyanfar bowed before this elegance, once and shortly. The stsho waved a languid

hand and the servant-translator, it must be, came and stood near, gist own robes

floating free on invisible breezes — stsho-silk and expensive.

“Ndisthe,” Pyanfar said, “sstissei asem sisth an zis–” with the right amount of

respect, she reckoned. Feathery eyebrows fluttered. The assistant clutched gtst

recorder and drew back in indecision.

“Shiss.” The Director motioned with one elegant jeweled hand. The translator

stopped in gtst retreat. “Shiss. Os histhe Chanur nos schensi noss’ spitense

sthshosi chisemsthi.”

“Far from fluent,” Pyanfar agreed.

The Director drew breath. Gtst plumes all nodded in profound agitation. “Sto

shisis ho weisse gti nurussthe din?”

“Did you know–” The translator flung gtstself into belated action. “–the riot

in the market took four hours to stop?”

“–ni shi canth-men horshti nin.”

“–Forty-five individuals are treated in infirmary-”

Pyanfar kept her ears erect, her expression sympathetic.

“Ni hoi shisisi ma gnisthe.”

“–and extensive pilferage has taken place.”

“I do share,” said Pyanfar, drawing down her mouth in yet more distress, “your

outrage at this disregard for stsho authority. My crew likewise suffered from

this kifish banditry.”

That got rendered, with much fluttering of hands.

“Shossmeinn ti szosthenshi hos! Ti mahen-thesai cisfe llyesthe to mistheth hos!”

“-You and your mahendo’sat co-conspirators have wreaked havoc-”

“Spithi no hasse cifise sif nan hos!”

“-involved the kif-”

“Shossei onniste stshoni no misthi th’sa has lies nan shi math!”

“–A tc’a ship has undocked and fled during the riot. Doubtless the chi are


“Ha nos thei no lien llche knnni na slastheni hos!”

“–Who knows but what this may also agitate the knnn?”

“Nan nos misthei hoisthe ifsthen noni ellyes-theme to Nifenne hassthe shasth!”

“–You and your crew within three hours of docking have created havoc with every

species of the Compact!”

Pyanfar set her hands at her belt and lowered her ears deliberately. “As well

say all victims of crime are guilty of incitement! Is this a new philosophy?”

A long silence once that was translated. Then:

“–I am put in mind of papers lately recovered, hani captain. I am in mind of

heavy fines and penalties. Who will recompense our market? Who will see to our


“It’s true,” Pyanfar said with a direct, baleful stare. “Who dares charge the

kif — excepting hani. Excepting us, esteemed Director. Tell me, what would

happen without hani traffic here? Without mahendo’sat? How would the kif behave

at Meetpoint then? Not simple pilferage, I’ll warrant!”

Plumes fluttered. Round eyes stared, dark centered. “–You make threats without

teeth. The han does not bend at your breath. Less so the mahendo’sat.”

“Neither will the han look with favor on a hani ship beset, on a hani captain

detained — I omit mention of the locked door!”

“–Have you such confidence you will relate to the han how a Chanur captain

suffered such embarrassment? I have heard otherwise. I have heard Chanur’s

affairs are less than stable with the han in these days.”

Pyanfar drew a long, long breath, wrinkling up her nose so that the translator

drew back a pace. “There is no profit in such a wager, esteemed Director.”

“-What profit to any dealing with Chanur? We restore your papers and see how you

repay us. Where are our damages? Where will you obtain the funds, who claim to

be a terror to the kif? We fine you. You dare take nothing from them.”

“They by the gods steal nothing from us except where we have relied on stsho


The moonstone eyes acquired wider, darker centers. “–You have brought a male of

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J