C.J. Cherryh. Chanur’s Venture

in the amphictiony of Enafy under a series of ambitious leaders, Chanur sprang

into considerable prominence as one of the first clans to see the benefits of

offworld trade.

Kohan Chanur is current lord: his principle mates are Huran Faha, Akify Llun,

Lilun Sifas. Actual manager of the estate is his aunt Jofan Chanur par Araun.

His sisters are Pyanfar, Rhean and Anfy Chanur, whose mates are of clan Mahn,

Anury, and Quna respectively, and who captain the ships The Pride of Chanur,

Chanur’s Fortune and Chanur’s Light. His daughters are: Hilfy, by Huran; Nifas,

by Akify, among others; and two sons (exiled).

Araun is a tributary clan, rated as cousins to Chanur; other cousin clans are

Tanan, Khuf, and Pyruun. Jisan Araun par Chanur was mother to Haral and Tirun

through an obscure tributary clan lord from remote Llunuurny, long since

defeated and replaced by a male Haral and Tirun declined to support, leaving him

to his numerous if unambitious sisters. Nifany Pyruun, Jofan Chanur’s blood

cousin, is birth-mother to Chur and Geran and a son in exile. She is

administrator of Chanur offices in the port authority. Kohan’s most recent

defense of Chanur was against Kara Mahn, son of Pyanfar Chanur and Khym Mahn.

Mahn, a nonspacing clan in the Kahin Hills nearby, remains an uneasy neighbor

with Kara in Khym’s stead, and his full sister Tahy at the head of Mahn’s

financial interests.

Hani language and religion

There was not, of course, one language, but the Enafy dialect of the Llunuurn

valley became standardized as the language of commerce and diplomacy. With

considerable resistance it was adopted as the language of the han and is the

only language heard offplanet.

The language was the vehicle of the spread of Llunuurn culture planetwide and

carries it into space.

Terms of respect are: ker, title of a high clan woman; na, title of a clan lord;

par maternal daughter of a clan. Nef is the title of an ex-lord, who is no

longer entitled to be called by the name of his clan.

Hani terms of disrespect involve uncleanness; age (eggsucker implies one too old

to hunt moving game); disavowal by clan (bastard is an inaccurate translation,

since legitimacy cannot be at issue in a matrilineal descent); the deities; the

condition of the ears, which tell a great deal about one’s efficiency in

self-defense. More peculiar is the use of feathered, an impious reference to a

hani religious debate; and son, as in gods give you sons; since male offspring

do no work and are exiled at puberty to return and attempt to take over the

estate in their prime, a house with many sons is in constant turmoil.

The Mahendo’sat

Among the tallest species of the Compact, tending to ranginess and length of

limb, the mahen-do’sat have fur ranging from sleek sheened black to curly brown,

with all gradations in between. Their claws do not retract, and are more a tool

of utility than a weapon. They are omnivores, native to Iji, from which they

control a considerable territory. Their neighbors on the one side are the hani,

on the other the kif, with whom they share some territory in dispute.

The mahendo’sat have more than a hundred languages native to Iji. Their own

lingua franca is chiso, which not all mahendo’sat speak; and very many

mahendo’sat have never succeeded in learning even the simplified pidgin that

they popularized during the hani contact. Ironically, this species which pursues

both art and science for its own sake and which is continually engaged in

research of all kinds, cannot translate either into or out of its own set of

languages with any degree of accuracy, which some might suspect indicates more

than apparent idiosyncrasies in psychology as well as physiology. The fact that

the pidgin is mostly hani rests on several facts, most of them having to do with

the mahendo’sat’s inability to translate their own tongue. First, mahendo’sat

and stsho were already in communication with great difficulty through a bastard

tongue involving kif, who spoke stsho. Second, when hani came into the picture,

hani proved able to learn kifish and stsho and with their long experience as

traders, evolved a pidgin hani that blended with the current pidgin and

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J