C.J. Cherryh. Chanur’s Venture

A pause. “–Our demand is just. The damages of four hundred million must be paid

and the lawsuits must be settled–”

“Collect it from the kif.”

“–If The Pride of Chanur undocks without payment it will violate treaty and

application for reparations will go to the hem. Now this message would be more

convenient than usual to deliver.”

She sucked in her breath. Gods. For a stsho, the old bastard had a certain


“–Your response.”

“Bargain. On the one hand we will countersue. If we lose we will appeal to the

court at Llhie nan Tie, to Tpehi, to Llyene, and the case will go on for years

— while gtst remain legally responsible for holding our goods in warehouse

while litigation proceeds.”

“–This might be acceptable.”

“On the other hand-on the other hand, esteemed director–”

“–Get quickly to this other hand.”

“If the request for payment were otherwise phrased, and if Meetpoint makes

itself responsible for all present and future lawsuits out of the settlement,

money might be forthcoming.”

“–Please restate. Was this an offer of payment?”

“The station assumes full financial responsibility for present and future suits

and reparations arising from the riot, releases all cargo claims, trades with

our factors at listed station exchange rates, and provides us one unified bill

for The Pride’s damage repair.”

“Please restate, Chanur captain. This translator understood ‘ship damage


“You have it right.”

A delay. “–This smacks of illegality.”

“Absolutely not. We will swear to damages suffered by The Pride during the

disturbances. Never mind what kind. I’m sure you have the talent to word it so

we can both sign it.”

“Please; please, this translator must be correct”

“You’ve got it. You clear our record, expedite us out, and pad that gods-rotted

bill as much as you want. I’ll meet you on the dock with the credit

authorization in a quarter hour.”

“–This is subterfuge. Chanur is known destitute.”

“Revise your information, esteemed director. Chanur just called in a debt.”

Prolonged silence.


“Excuse, esteemed Chanur captain. This will take consideration.”

“You by the gods get me out of here.”

More silence. “Please be discreet.”

“Would the esteemed director contact me on an unsecure channel? The esteemed

director is no fool. It would not be profitable for gtst to appeal to the han,

in whatever form. This would surely tie up the funds in litigation.” She turned

and motioned furiously at Haral. “Legal release,” she said into the pickup; and

to Haral, and her eyes fell on Khym once-lord-Mahn, on a tense expression turned

her way. She motioned at him, listening with one ear to stsho dithering. Do it,

she mouthed. “–Listen, I told you, pad the bill all you want. I’m not coming to

the office again. You’re coming to the docks and you’re going to sign a release

for all damages, hear that?”

There was frantic activity to her right. Haral had comp reeling up legal forms

and Khym was leaning over her shoulder muttering corrections and wordings.

By the gods, Mahn’s ex-lord, ex-legal counsel. In his element.

She grinned at the mike and listened to more blather. “Simply put,” she said to

the director, once Stle stles stlen, “you sign ours, we sign yours, we get our

papers clear and our cargo sold for top going rate, and you can show the High

Director at Nsthen you got full compensation, right? Otherwise you report unpaid

damages. Which do you want?”

“The director relays to you gtst profound distress that Chanur should have been

slandered by fools. Gtst is sending you the papers at once and further sends you

a gift to make amends for this misunderstanding.”

“Chanur will reciprocate in acknowledgment of the director’s wisdom in detecting

these slanders.” She searched rapidly through the data bin for the appropriate

forms, copied those, snagged the one that Harai thrust into her hand, fully

printed, bilingual in stshoshi and ham and ready for signature. “Profound

gratitude, yes.” She broke the contact and flipped the documents looking for key

clauses. “Watertight?”

“Full release,” Khym said.

“It had better be.” She gathered up all the papers, spun the chair on its

mechanism. “Eyes back to that scan, hear?”

“You need escort, captain?” Haral asked.

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J