C.J. Cherryh. Chanur’s Venture

that truly had to get someone more knowledgeable. Log the discourtesy? Who would

read it but the han?

Khym was busy already, a look of concentration on his broad, scarred face the

while he listened to station chatter that flowed past him like so much babble,

sorting for anything of interest, anything of tc’a or knnn, anything of kif or

mahendo’sat. Doing the best he could.

In Hilfy’s vacant post.

Pyanfar turned back again, twisted in her seat a third time as she heard the

lift work down the corridor.

“Captain!” Tirun spun her chair as she did, as she came out of her chair

reaching for her pocket and Khym was out of his place.

“Identify.” Haral had usurped com function to her panel and keys clicked to

freeze locks, but the lift door opened all the same.

Hani. Hani and smallish and one of their own.

“Geran,” Pyanfar muttered, and the gun went back. No rejoicing, not from any of

them. It was not that kind of time, an hour to go and Geran out of place.

“Something wrong?” Pyanfar asked as Geran walked onto the bridge. “Chur all

right, Geran?”

“Left her below, snugged in.”

“Gods and thunders!”

Geran shrugged, padded over to main scan, rested a hand on her seatback and

looked round again, ears at half, and obduracy in the stare she gave back.

“Don’t like to cross those docks, captain. Scary place out there.”

It took a good long moment of even breathing to cope with that.

“Geran–” in a tone quiet enough to warn a chi. “We’ve got one hour, one

gods-rotted hour to get things sorted out. You two–”

“Captain, please.” Geran’s voice sank to the same level, but all wobbly. “Chur’d

kill me for saying it, but she’s scared. Gut-scared. Being left here — the ship

and all — where’d she be? What good’s two of us — here? By ourselves? Where’s

home, but The Pride?”

Something superstitious settled into her own gut, nothing reasonable. “Look.

We’re not after suicide, hear me? Jik’s in port. He’s got Vigilance on our side

for what she’s worth. We’re going to Mkks to do some good. Hear me? Now get Chur

back where she belongs.”

“She is. Same as me.” Geran’s claws sank into the chairback, tendons stark on

the backs of her hands. “What’s all this new stuff worth with half a crew, huh?

Chur can walk — walked across that dock out there from the lift, she did, just


“Good gods.”

“The plasm took; the wound won’t tear. Got her packed in real good and the

time-stretch’11 give her a good few days to heal. Might be on her feet by the

time we get to Mkks–”

“The gravity-drop’ll kill her.”

“No. Not Chur.”

She folded her ears down and Geran stood her ground, meant to stand it, gods

knew. And they needed that pair of hands. Needed hands that could fit

hani-specific controls, fit a hani crewwoman’s space. “Gods rot,”,she muttered

and walked off the other way with a wave of her hand. “Bring her topside. Put

her in my cabin. Put her close to us. Pack a med kit in there.”

“My cabin,” Khym said. “She can have mine.”

“Do it.”

“Thanks,” Geran said, all heartfelt. “Thanks, captain.”

“And get yourself back here. We’ve got a tight schedule, huh?”

“Aye!” Geran scrambled and took Khym with her.

Pyanfar looked at Tirun and Haral. Tirun’s face carefully showed nothing;

Haral’s was toward the boards, occupied with business.

“Odds just went up,” Tirun said, “captain.”

“We need crazy people on our side?” She threw herself into the chair, powered it

about again, feeling a shameful comfort to know one more seat was filled. The

lift hummed, Khym and Geran going down to see to the transfer.

“Getting a confirmation from Aid /in,” Haral said, who still had com. “Getting a

readoff on course, They’re putting us out gods-rotted deep in the well.”

She looked at the figures that flashed onto monitor one. “Huh.” She keyed that

data set into the simulator and watched the lines tick across the screen,

affirmative, affirmative, can-do. It was still The Pride’s boards, but something

alien answered from aft, up the circuit-synapses through the metal spine. “Huh.”

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J