Chalker, Jack L. – Rings 1 – Lords Of The Middle Dark

You are quite correct, daughter, but you do not understand the vastness of

space. Consider what these illegals were able to build and accomplish right

here, under our very noses, as it were. If it can exist here, imagine how much

easier it is to hide in space. It is not our concern and is no longer your

concern. It is, however, deadly knowledge that threatens us all. I will arrange

to have all traces of it removed from your mind at the first opportunity.

Father! I beg of you! Do not do this to me! I—

He stopped her with a glance and a gesture. Enough. I tolerate too much from

you now. He paused a moment. I have allowed you a grand childhood, the envy of

any others, male or female. I have, in fact, been far too patient far too long.

Yet someone who will threaten one of my officers with a false rape charge, a

most dishonorable action that brings shame on your mother and on me, I am forced

to notice—and to realize that the time has come to end this period of your


He was the one man who could chasten her, make her feel real shame, and she felt

tears coming up inside of her. Yet deep down an inner voice said angrily, That

son of a pig Chung! Somehow I will kill him personally! Aloud she responded,

It was my excitement and my enthusiasm. I meant to bring no shame upon anyone,

not even the colonel.

I can understand and perhaps excuse the infraction on its face, but this is a

special case. You interfered with a key man in the midst of a mission vital to

our family’s survival, and you did it to get him to violate my orders. My

orders. The gods know you have violated everyone else’s orders and advice, but

attempting to willfully violate my orders is intolerable. You were designed to

bear tomorrow’s leaders, the offspring who will ensure this family’s rule and

perhaps advance it. We are coming up on Leave Time. During this Leave you will

be married, here.

His words startled her. He had talked like this before, but now it really

sounded as if he meant it. Married? To whom?

It would serve you right if I gave you to Colonel Chung. He has most of the

correct qualities, and it would be justice. However, it would also place him

within this family and far too close to me for my own liking. The truth is,

there are a number of candidates, subject to the same sort of breeding

attributes as yourself, but I have had more pressing matters and have put off

making a final choice. I will no longer let it go. You are seventeen, and that

is old enough. You will be informed in due time.

She wanted to protest, but there was really only one way to do so, and that was

to appeal to an intermediate power. Does mother know of this?

He did not take offense at the question. Of course, what her mother liked or

didn’t like was beside the point when he made such a decision, but she was not

exactly one who would be easy to mollify. The wife of a great man was herself a

politician and had many ways to work her will upon him. If all else failed, his

wife alone knew many secrets that would be uncomfortable to have leaked, even in

the family holdings and on the Han cultural level.

Your mother and I have talked this over many times. She will, of course, have a

voice in the final selection as is her right and duty, but she is certainly in

full agreement on this. It is decided, daughter. Go. Enjoy this time, which is

the last of childhood. It is precious.

This disturbing interview had suddenly turned her world upside down. She had

gone in flush with discovery and wanting so much her father’s approval and

appreciation of her work; instead, she had found that what she knew was known to

him, and that her comfortable life was about to take a radical turn for what

could only be the worse.

She occupied her mind over the next few days helping the relatives move in and

lending a hand in the kitchens and service areas, but there was no joy in it.

Ahead, the marriage loomed like a great threatening wall against which she was

to be dashed, and every day that wall drew closer and closer.

She was in the great formal gardens in back of the main house, just looking at

the beautiful flowers and wanting to be as alone as possible in this

environment, when Tai Ming and Ahn Xaio sought her out.

They greeted her warmly, but something was clearly on their minds. You two are

so serious, she noted. What—are your parents marrying you off as well? The

knowledge of her father’s decision had spread quickly, if only because such

things for one of her rank took much time to prepare.

No—not yet, anyway, Ming responded hesitantly. It’s just that there are—

There are rumors, Ahn put in. Strong rumors. Rumors supported by things

overheard and repeated.

About what? My marriage? My husband to be?

In a way, Ming responded, trying to figure out a way to say it.

Song Ching knew that these two had much closer contact with the servants and

staff than she possibly could and that the servant and staff gossip network was

extremely reliable and useful. One of you—out with it! I can no longer stand


Your father has told you that the knowledge you gained from the raid must be

erased? Tai Ming asked her.

She nodded. Yes, and I don’t like it. I have never liked anyone inside my mind

even when it was for safety’s sake, and I like erasures even less, but they have

no choice in this matter. Surely you have been told the same.

Yes. All of us will be sent back to the Center before Leave time comes, Ahn

admitted, getting it out at last. You, however, will be treated differently,

although you are not supposed to know that. They have a team of experts ready.

Psychochemists, a complete psychotech team—all for you. Your father was

overheard giving the orders to General Chin. Chin was his chief aide, his

deputy up at administration headquarters, and would be acting director while her

father was on Leave.

Oh, Song Ching, they are going to remake you! Tai Ming blurted tearfully.

They—he said it was the only way you would ever be a good wife and mother.

She suddenly felt a little nauseous. He wouldn’t dare! she responded angrily,

but she knew her father well enough to know that not only would he dare, he’d do

it. He had probably been planning it all the time, which was why he’d let her go

on so long as she was. He’d been testing her, both for abilities and for

physical and mental development! Now she’d passed the last test. But her father

would never consider her an end result, merely the bearer of grandsons who would

be allowed the power and position she craved and deserved but which could never

be hers.

Now she would fulfill her father’s master plan. There was no way around it. She

could hardly avoid the psychotechnicians who would be required before going on

Leave—to leave undisturbed all that she knew would be sure death not only for

the family but for her—and then she’d be at the mercy of her father’s power and

directives. She would never come off Leave. She would be wiped clean of active

memory and replaced with a template she was quite certain her father had

commanded to be made up for her long ago, one which would leave her a docile,

obedient, subservient little woman with no knowledge of any world beyond Hainan

and no interest in it, either. She’d still be as smart, but that would just make

it worse, since she would be totally bound and constricted by her culture. It

would be a boring, pampered, frustrating life of perpetual pregnancy—with no way


She knew that they could do it. They could erase anything from your mind and

replace it so you’d never know. They could give you chemicals that would go to

your brain and settle into receptors that could make even someone like her into

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