Chalker, Jack L. – Rings 1 – Lords Of The Middle Dark

Once we discover the right mix of modules and blockers, we can stimulate your

own body to produce the needed enzymes. As with genetically mandated enzymes,

the combination that forms you as you are now, we will use blockers to prevent

undesired genetically mandated material from finding its receptors, while our

newly stimulated substances will find theirs. Over a relatively short period of

time the body will adjust and shift to this new pattern, overriding the old, and

it will be totally permanent and self-perpetuating. It is so complex that only a

computer could isolate and define all the receptors and determine the mix, but

only after I tell it the desired goals. There.

She felt pressure and a very slight momentary stinging in her right shoulder.

Just relax. Only a mild test, he assured her soothingly. Purely transitory.

We won’t get into anything really elaborate today.

She waited, scared to death of this man and his machines, and watched the

hologram. Not all the chemical pieces remained put for any length of time;

things were always changing, pieces disconnecting and others coming in, although

the basic pattern remained the same.

Now, suddenly, some new pieces came into the scene, in colors not otherwise

represented. Some were jet-black; others were yellow or gray. Many went right

by, but some headed immediately for receptor points as if on homing beacons. A

few of the black ones stuck to a blood vessel wall, as if waiting, and when some

of the blue pieces vacated their natural positions, the black ones dislodged

themselves and then swept in to fill the emptiness. More of the blue entered,

natural chemicals, but they found their places occupied, and after pausing as if

they were intelligent creatures, they moved on and out of view.

She continued to watch, and suddenly she began to tremble. She felt

afraid—afraid not of the doctor or his machines but of everything. She began to

cry, and the cry turned into uncontrollable sobbing. She felt a sense of

terrible despair. Everything was hopeless. She was unloved, reviled, loathsome

to others and to herself. She was unworthy, incapable of doing anything right.

She needed someone—anyone—to protect her, to guide her. She needed

someone—anyone—to instruct her in all things. She was afraid almost to think, to

make any decisions, because she could only make the wrong ones. She felt so

humble, so tiny and insignificant, that she wished someone would take her and

command her.

The display shifted, although she had not seen it and had not even felt the

second injection. Substances of differing colors moved in and eased out the

foreign objects; the black ones were ordered out, and some but not all were

replaced in her biochemical tapestry. .

She stopped crying, feeling much, much better now; a damp cloth wiped her face,

and she smiled at the feel. It felt wonderful. Everything felt wonderful. Her

whole body tingled, and even the brush of skin against the chair or her hospital

gown seemed an erotic caress. She was drifting now on a wonderful, magical

euphoric cloud in which nothing at all mattered. They could do anything,

anything at all to her, and it would not matter. She rarely had any sort of

sexual dreams or fantasies, but this was real, and she wished someone would come

and take her and ravish her body and do whatever they wished with her. She had a

vision of herself as a sultry woman of pleasure, dancing, moving, naked and free

in front of a group of adoring men, and she really liked the fantasy.

Blockers and enzymes shifted and changed, and the feelings and the fantasies

faded quickly. Reality returned, although she had always been conscious of where

she was and what was happening. The difference was that she was becoming

clearheaded once more, coldly confident, and increasingly angry over what was

being done here. She struggled against her bonds, cursing the fact that she was

trapped in a weak woman’s body. She didn’t feel like a woman; deep down, she had

a vision that she was a man, a man trapped by science or sorcery in this weak

girl’s body, a strong and virile man with courage and confidence and raw animal

power. She’d rather bed this body than be trapped in it. Anger turned to pure

animal fury, and she struggled against the metal rings that bound her.

Adrenaline pumped,’ and she actually twisted and bent the rings and managed to

get one hand free. He would show them! He would.

More shifting, more changing color patterns. The sense of strong sexual identity

faded but was not replaced. She had no concept of maleness or femaleness; gender

was an irrelevancy, without meaning to her. The anger, too, faded quickly, and

she felt totally calm, unable even to relate to the emotions she had experienced

up to that point. She was like a machine: aware, intelligent, but without

passion, without any feelings at all about anything. Yet she was as clearheaded,

as logical, as she could ever be. Stripped of her animalism, she stared at the

patterns in the hologram and almost immediately grasped their logic and meaning

based upon what she had seen so far. At this level, where even pleasure and

pain, fear and love, were mere terms, she analyzed her situation. She was being

reprogrammed, but this level was the most efficient for undertaking an escape.

There was no hatred, no bitterness, no feeling of any sort that was relevant to

her. Escape was mandated because this stage was the optimum one for her

potentials, and it was illogical to abort it.

I believe we have done enough for today, Doctor Wang said casually. Too much

can wear you out and cause harm to the body. My! You really did a job on those

restraints! Well, I will just recline you now and allow you to rest and the

enzymes to be expelled from your system. It will probably cause you to sleep, so

just relax and let it happen. I’ll be back in a few minutes to check you out,

then you can go and eat.

She watched the doctor actually leave and no one else come back in. She did not

feel elation or any other emotion, but she realized immediately that they had

made their first mistake. There was simply no way that the chief administrator,

her father, was going to allow this place to be without standard safeguards.

Code Lotus, black, green, seven two three one one, she said aloud in a calm,

expressionless voice. Emergency override activation is ordered.

A computer voice responded from somewhere to the left rear of her. Code

acknowledged, it said. Reason for interrupt?

Pawn takes king.

Accepted. Instructions?

Her father could never trust anyone, and that meant anyone. All Center computers

with human interfaces were programmed with override codes that would allow him,

if need be, to countermand almost any order. He changed the codes quite often

and then just as often forgot them, so he had them encoded in his personal

files. The only time when he couldn’t depend on this was when he was away in

Hainan or on Leave, as he was about to be now. For that period, he needed a

sequence of codes he could always remember, and he often used a variation of the

same sequences year after year. At fifteen, she had broken that code and had

gone undiscovered, and she had had little trouble in the hidden room back home

in establishing the few changes for this year now that she knew what she was

looking for. That had been her one hope, but this had been the first opportunity

to use it.

Subject in Chair Two is object threat to king. At a point when this laboratory

is not scheduled for use for a period of at least one hour, you will release

subject from cell and substitute recording of previous time of subject in cell

so that this is undetected, and you will suppress all alarms and guarantee

uninterrupted access. You will be prepared to assist and guard. All outbound

channels are monitored, so this is under my seal alone.

Understood. Additional?

I would like to perpetuate my current physical and mental orientation until

otherwise instructed. Then stand by until I am able to contact you here again.

Understood. Formulating. There was a pneumatic hiss below her arm, then an

injection. Duration indefinite. Must be altered chemically.

Understood. Switch off. I will sleep now.

She went immediately to sleep and did not dream at all.

She awakened back in her cell, but one thing was different. This time they had

left the rice bowl and cool tea and not remained to watch her eat. Apparently

they were confident of her and themselves now. She would require energy, and

there was no way of forecasting when more might be available, so she went over

and ate it all. She drank sparingly. She was aware that she could not move for

long periods about the cell without attracting attention. She had been

so—animalistic. She therefore assumed a position of meditation facing the door

and willed her body into trancelike stillness. For the first and only time in

her life, she had nearly total control over herself; she did not wonder at that

but rather took it for granted.

There were alternatives to consider. Song Ching was in the Master System, so

Song Ching must be accounted for somehow, at least for a sufficient length of

time to make good an escape. She was in control only of the local network here;

she had to take care not to flag Master System and not to raise human alarms.

Master System she thought she could block for a sufficient period of time; the

humans were the unpredictable ones.

Even if she escaped from here, though, there would be little she could do. Any

security flag within Center itself would be immediately checked with Colonel

Ching or her father. All direct access by her would have been blocked long ago.

She could, of course, survive almost indefinitely in the maze of tunnels and

service corridors. They might eventually activate a Val, but it would be useless

because it would have her old imprint and assume that she would act on animal

and distinctly Song Ching motives. If nothing else presented itself, though, she

would do that until she was either captured or had managed somehow to tie in to

the network from below and use it.

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