Chalker, Jack L. – Rings 1 – Lords Of The Middle Dark

to me, I couldn’t help you, and you would wind up in the exact same place and in

the hands of the exact same people, only you wouldn’t know how to run the life

maintenance and support system for the cabins. I also have within me, implanted

by a surgeon—where, I don’t know—a tiny transmitter. It is hooked both to the

ship and to a Master System relay. If I die, that beacon stops transmitting.

When it does, Master System will call the ship and determine whether my death

was natural or murder. If it was murder, Master System will take direct command

of the ship and release gas into the compartment that will not kill you but will

put you down into a sleep from which you cannot wake up without the antidote. If

you kill me, not only will you not escape and not die, but your families back

here, no matter how innocent, will replace you.

Not likely in the Song Ching family, Chu Li reflected, but then realized that

there were cousins and others who might well be forced to replace her. However,

it was empty to threaten Deng or himself that way. The system had already

destroyed their families and friends as well. Still, for the girls’ sake, he

could not fail.

All right. So far it was proceeding exactly as the plans in his mind told him it

would. Of course, Sabatini had not mentioned a couple of other safeguards, but

he; wouldn’t. That was all right. There were ways around this.

Now, with all that out of the way, Sabatini concluded, let me say that I am a

ship’s captain, not a member of the police or the military of anyone. I haul

cargo and people. If you are friendly, cooperative, and make no trouble, this

can be a pleasant voyage. I treat people the way they treat me. Treat me nasty,

and I’ll be nastier. Treat me nice, and I can be very nice as well. Any

questions? Come—speak up. We will be off soon, and it’ll be too late.

Chu Li didn’t want to draw much attention, but he had to know one thing. If you

please, Honorable Captain— what is this Melchior to which we are being sent?

Melchior is a rock about thirty kilometers across that floats around the sun

out in the asteroid belt. There’s nothing on top but some beacons and a single

dock, but the thing is a hollowed-out rock full of chambers, tunnels, rooms,

even something of a town. It’s a lot of things. It’s a place for scientific

research. It’s occasionally a meeting place for important administrators who

want to be away from all monitoring. Mostly it’s a prison run by scientists who

don’t have to obey the rules because they’re cooped up there, too. I’ll tell you

what more I know when we’re under way. That satisfy you for now?

Deng Ho wet his lips nervously. Then—we are to be the experiments this time?

Sabatini shrugged. I don’t know, boy. Nobody really knows, except maybe some of

the administrators. I never heard of anyone ever escaping, though. Once you’re

inside, with that maze of tunnels and air locks, you get so lost, you might

never even find your way out.


THE ILLINOIS VILLAGE WAS IN TURMAIL. Two of their best warriors dead, a dramatic

escape by the two whom the chief had called his playthings, Chief Roaring Bull

himself kidnapped, a slave woman missing, and a boat, supplies, and weapons

stolen—it all made the rest of them feel downright insecure. The chief’s eldest

son, along with the rest of the clan, met to decide just what action to take.

They’re long gone, some argued. Far downriver in foul weather. If they don’t

drown, they’ll be out of reach before we can get the word down to stop them.

But it’s bad for business, others argued. What if word gets around that this

was done to us? Who will fear us and pay us tribute then? It will give the

others ideas.

They won’t be bragging, if they survive at all, the first group argued. The

man’s on the run from Council. He won’t even mention this. As for Chief Roaring

Bull, they’re certain to kill him when he’s no longer needed, if they haven’t

already. You heard what the girls said about that pair. They smelled of death. I

say we bottle it up here. Anyone, at any time, who speaks of this to anyone,

even among ourselves, shall at the very least lose his or her tongue and suffer

torments. Let us tighten our own security and our tongues and go on as before.

And what of the chief? the others responded. How will we explain his death?

It is bound to get out.

Everybody knows he was a steady fire drinker. We’ll just say he got drunk and

mad at somebody on the river one day and went out there. That’ll explain the

body, no matter what the condition. He’s never going to tell anyone different.

They all looked at Black Bear Foot, the chief’s eldest son and heir apparent. A

very imposing man in his own right, he had sat impassively listening to the

debate without getting involved. Now the man they would make chief spoke.

Yes, but what if father manages to come back alive? he asked nervously. He had

not always been the eldest son, but his late half brother had gotten too

ambitious too fast. Some of the same men who now offered Black Bear Foot the

leadership had encouraged his brother, then lost their nerve and betrayed him

when faced with the wrath of Roaring Bull.

Now listen and hear what I say, he said gravely. The two who failed to watch

the strangers will take one canoe, and the two who were so afraid of getting wet

that they allowed the chief to be taken will go in another. One of you will

bring back the chief, or his body, or all four of you will wish that you were

dead, though you will not die. Understand?

They understood, but they didn’t like it.

Also, send runners south on both sides of the Mississippi to contact our

allies. Tell them only the story that Roaring Bull got drunk and was lost on the

river and that we seek him and fear his capture by traders who bear grudges

against him. Tell them that they will get a great reward if the chief is

returned alive and a lesser reward if dead, but if dead, they will get the same

great reward if they also return his killers, dead or alive. Got it? Then go!

Those who would travel left to prepare, but the rest of the council remained in

session to work out the details in the chief’s absence. They were still hard at

it when two strangers rode right into the village on horseback and stopped all

there dead in their tracks.

The man on the brown horse was a Crow from the northwest mountains. An

unexpected sight this far from his tribal territory, he was a striking man with

a mean and fearsome look about him. He was dressed in full fur and buckskin and

had a hard, tough, nasty face that seemed more a natural rock formation than a

human feature. His eyes were narrowed and mean-looking, and he chomped on a

half-smoked but unlit Caribe cigar. Observers could tell in an instant that he

would no more hesitate to kill a man than to swat a fly; to stop him, one would

need ten good men, all willing to die themselves.

With him, however, astride a huge black stallion, was a figure even more

imposing and out of place. She was very tall, taller than the Crow, who was no

little man, and her skin was as black as the blackest night. Her hair, straight

and cut very short, was blacker than her skin, and her features were as perfect

as finely chiseled black marble. Her clothing, tailored to her statuesque

proportions, consisted of a sleeveless tunic made of beaver and mink with pants

and even boots to match. Her arms looked smooth, but when they moved, tremendous

muscles and great power were evident. Her eyes were cold, her bearing aloof.

None needed to be told that these were very dangerous people. Here was a Crow

Agency man, one of those who worked for Council security, and with him a visitor

from a far place who unquestionably held the same sort of job in some distant


They rode right up to the tribal council meeting and halted but did not

dismount. The Crow Agency man gave them a look that seemed to chill them all, as

if he felt in the mood to massacre an entire tribe. The lady, on the other hand,

gave the impression that she’d rather slowly torture them first.

Black Bear Foot decided he really didn’t need this kind of trouble, but he

sighed and got up. If his father didn’t come back, this would determine whether

he survived to take over. He, too, had a lot of younger half brothers who

wouldn’t mind the job in the least.

I am Black Bear Foot, acting chief of this tribe until the return of my

father, he said in his native tongue. He didn’t care if they understood it or

not: That was their problem. In fact, he kind of hoped that they didn’t share

any common languages. Maybe then they’d give up and go away. If you come in

peace and friendship, you are welcome to share our fire and our hospitality,

the acting chief added grudgingly.

Where’s your father, sonny boy? the Crow asked in a voice that was deep,

raspy, and all-around unpleasant. He spoke excellent Illinois. Black Bear Foot

thought the man sounded as a corpse might sound if it could speak.

You have no call to break the Covenant, the young, would-be chief responded,

deciding that only bravado meant anything to this pair. If I were to speak that

way to someone of my position in the land of the Crow, your people would have my

skin stretched across poles. You may have my life and surrender yours, but I

will have respect in my own village and among my own people from any visitor.

The speech seemed to impress and also disturb the Crow.

You know we act in the name of the Council, the Crow Agency man said

menacingly, but the mere fact that he said it showed some hesitancy. He

obviously was not used to having someone stand up to him on anything, except

perhaps her.

You mean you are in the employ of Council. The way you act and treat those who

would offer you hospitality is not the Council way or the way of the Covenant.

You may act in the name of the Council, but I doubt if the Council would approve

of the way you act.

The Crow smiled, although the expression looked grotesque and unnatural on him.

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