Dark Challenge. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 5

The vampire had not lived as many centuries as he had by tempting certain death. He might be victorious against one experienced hunter, but not both. He had lost his advantage. He dissolved as quickly as he was able, streaking away through the rain-washed sky, using the storm to hide the traces of his passing.

Julian immediately mind-merged with Desari to ensure she was fine. Even as he assured himself that she had come to no harm, he was trailing the vampire, using the droplets of blood to stay on the trail. The storm was diluting the poisonous brew, but Julian would know that scent anywhere. The stench was in his own blood, his soul, in the dark shadowing that had robbed him of his twin, his family and people. The undead had long tormented him, but now had committed an unpardonable sin, had attempted to harm his lifemate. As far as Julian was concerned, there was no other choice but to destroy him. His entire life’s training had been for this moment.

Darius, too, was moving so quickly through the sky that he was a mere blur. He had no intention of allowing this vampire to go free. This evil one had challenged his ability to guard his family, and he was more than willing to pick up the gauntlet. The blood was almost impossible to trace now, so Darius allowed the fury of the storm to wane. The stick figures below were annihilated, the rain dissipating the dark shadows to vapor. Syndil’s healing art did the rest, prevailing against what the undead had wrought against nature and the earth. Syndil called forth the energy of the universe and the being they revered as the father of all life. Already new life was struggling to take hold, small buds pushing through the soil, seeking the moisture of the storm.

Darius had the foul stench of the monster in his nostrils and was prepared to follow him all the way back to his lair.

Back off, Darius. This is no amateur. Do not follow him to his lair. He will be far stronger there.

Darius did not acknowledge Julian’s softly spoken advice. He streaked through the sky after the fading trail of droplets. Julian swore beneath his breath in several languages, knowing full well that Darius could hear him. He had no choice but to allow the family leader to accompany him. The vampire might flee to avoid this confrontation, but if cornered, he would be extremely dangerous. Julian knew this vampire more intimately than most, knew him to be an ancient of great power. And ancients were never easy to destroy.

Julian? Desari’s musical voice flowed into his mind to warm him. Where are you going? I feel your worry.

That arrogant brother of yours is more stubborn than anyone I have ever met, and that includes Gregori. He insists on chasing the undead back to its lair.

Darius is a tremendous fighter. There was a wealth of confidence in Desari’s voice. He would never leave a vampire alive that has shown itself to him. How could he do other?

He could lure it out into the open, away from its lair, on the next rising. It is wounded, my love, and angry that it was thwarted in its attempt to acquire Syndil. It knows me and is afraid. Fear in these creatures only increases their cunning. Now it is returning to its place of safety. A vampire’s lair is one of the most dangerous places on earth. I have cautioned Darius, but I cannot leave him alone to battle when I know he is moving into a trap.

Julian was winging his way through the air fast, hard on the tail feathers of Darius. The rain had slowed to a steady drizzle, but the air felt heavy and thick. Julian shook his head at the foolishness of what they were doing. Darius believed in the straightforward approach. At the same time, he was a lethal adversary, one fully committed to destroying an enemy even if it meant his own life. Julian understood, but through long experience he had learned to pick his battles. Darius had to attack anything threatening those under his protection, but some part of him was urging him to fight to the death, wanting to take the vampire with him to eternal rest.

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Categories: Christine Feehan