Dark Challenge. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 5

She felt the darkness sweeping over the land, the perverted aberration they called the undead. The vile touch of the vampire sickened her as it moved ever closer, searching, always searching. She smelled the stench of evil, the twisted, damned soul of one who always killed his quarry, drained his victim’s lifeblood, often after torturing and tormenting the doomed creature.

Sheltered between the two powerful males, Desari was unafraid, but the vileness of the vampire was making her body react, her stomach rolling and heaving. Julian enveloped her mind completely as he had done before, shielding her from the undead as it raced across the sky. Dawn was on the heels of the vampire, and it could not face even the first rays of the sun. It needed to find sanctuary immediately. It passed overhead and was gone, leaving a dark stain in the sky like an oily patch of evil.

“They seek our women,” Darius hissed grimly. “Always they track us down. I know it is the women they sense.” He sent an urgent inquiry traveling on the wind. Is Syndil protected? The undead have once again found us.

Julian reluctantly allowed Desari to surface from the total submersion, his arm circling her shoulders protectively. His heart was pounding in alarm. Had the darkness in him brought this vile creature straight to his lifemate? He had to destroy the demon.

The reply to Darius’s inquiry came back on the mental path used by the family unit so that both Darius and Desari heard the news. We felt his approach and took precaution. Syndil is deep in the earth where he cannot find her should he try another probe. It is near; he must go to ground soon. The voice was Barack’s. Do not fear, Darius, no one will take Syndil from us, and no one will attempt to harm her and live.

“There will be others,” Darius informed Julian, once satisfied that all was well at home. “They have taken to traveling together in numbers, perhaps thinking those of us who hunt them will be more easily defeated.” There was a natural self-confidence in Darius’s voice that said plainly it didn’t matter to him how many vampires tried to defeat him; it would be an impossibility.

“My brother has resided in San Francisco for many years, hunting the undead in the western United States,” Julian volunteered. “He, too, noticed a trend of late in northern California and up into Oregon and Washington of usually solitary vampires suddenly congregating. It seemed insanity to me that they would not simply avoid his area altogether.”

Julian stepped off the porch, taking Desari with him, his fingers shackling her wrist. “What is the news of the rest of your family? The vampire did not detect the other woman, did he?” He knew Darius had contacted his family; he would have done the same.

Darius’s dark eyes flicked over him. Julian was astonished at how much the man reminded him of Gregori, the healer of the Carpathian people. Although Gregori’s eyes glittered silver with menace, Darius’s black eyes could portray an equal threat easily. “Our family is safe,” Darius replied softly, thoughtfully. “I will hunt this one now and go to ground when it is done.”

“Do not risk yourself. Remember you are needed,” Desari said in a low voice, betraying her fear.

“I am needed to hunt down these killers,” Darius reminded her with great gentleness. “They follow us wherever we go. The reason vampires congregate in this part of the country, Savage, is because Desari prefers to perform in this region. Her favorite place to play is a small resort north of here called Konocti Harbor Resort and Spa. It is much to her liking. The people are friendly, the audiences receptive, the countryside is beautiful, and the place is small and intimate enough to suit her.”

Julian circled her waist with one arm and brought her up against the heat of his body, needing to feel her for just a moment. “I should have known you were the troublemaker, Desari,” he whispered against the bare skin of her neck, wanting to comfort her with his teasing.

“Do not do this, either of you.” Desari’s soft eyes were liquid with sorrow. “You are trying to distract me, both of you. You will hunt this vampire despite my wishes.”

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Categories: Christine Feehan