Dark Legend. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 8

They had lost so many of their woman and children over the centuries that every woman was guarded closely; the women were needed to bring children, especially female children, into the world. Most of the children born were males, and most did not survive beyond the first year of life. Their species bordered on extinction. Francesca had come to terms with her solitary existence. She wasn’t about to change her entire life because Gabriel had suddenly decided to show up out of nowhere.

She felt moisture on her face and glanced up at the sky. It was perfectly clear above her head; the stars were out in full force. Surprised, she reached up and touched the tears on her face. That made her all the more determined that Gabriel would have no say in her life. Already he had made her cry. He had ruined everything. He had taken the sun from her recklessly, without thought. That was Gabriel. He made decisions and expected the rest of the world to fall in line with him. He was a law unto himself and he would expect Francesca to do whatever he dictated.

Francesca turned the corner, took a deep breath and walked into the hospital parking lot. She didn’t want anything to appear to be abnormal. Brice met her soon after she entered the building, leading her to believe he had left strict orders that he be alerted immediately upon her arrival. He led her through the halls to a private room. There were teddy bears and balloons and flowers everywhere. The little girl in the bed was very pale with dark circles under her eyes. As always, Brice never told her exactly what was wrong with the patient; instead, he allowed her to perform her own “strange” examination.

“Do her parents know you asked me to look at her?” Francesca asked softly.

Though her voice had been low, the child stirred and opened her eyes. She smiled at her visitor. “You’re the lady Dr. Brice says is such a help to people. My mom said you would come and see me.”

Francesca glanced at Brice with a quick frown of impatience. She had told him a thousand times not to mention her to anyone. She could not afford publicity. They had argued more than once over the issue. She touched the child’s thin little hand with a fingertip. “You’re in pain, aren’t you?”

The little girl shrugged. “It’s all right. I’m used to it now.”

Cold air stirred the curtains unexpectedly and Brice glanced at the window, checking to assure himself it was closed. The last thing they needed was a draft in the room. Francesca was concentrating wholly on the child. Nothing else touched her mind at these times. It was as if only the child and Francesca existed. “My name is Francesca. What is yours?”


“Well, Chelsea, would you mind if I held your hand for a few minutes? It would help me understand what’s going on inside of you.”

A slow smile lit up the little girl’s face. “You aren’t going to poke and prod and stick me with needles?”

Francesca returned the smile. “I think we can safely leave that job to Brice.” She took the small hand in hers. The skin was very thin, almost translucent. This child was wasting away. “I’m just going to sit here with you and concentrate. You might feel warm in spots, but it won’t hurt.”

Chelsea’s eyes rested on Francesca’s face, studying her expression before she decided to trust her. She nodded solemnly. “Go ahead, I’m ready.”

Francesca closed her eyes, focused on the child and only the child, driving every other thought from her head. She sent herself seeking outside her own body, becoming as insubstantial as energy, heat and light. Entering the child, she began a slow, careful examination. The child’s blood was a mess. Massive attacks were being launched in the bloodstream and her pitiful antibodies could not possibly make inroads against the invading army. Francesca continued to look at each organ, the tissue and muscle, the brain itself. Sorrow swamped her for a moment, endangering her position within the child’s body. She felt great empathy with this little girl who had suffered for so many years of her young life.

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Categories: Christine Feehan