Dark Legend. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 8

Francesca climbed slowly to her feet, turning her full attention to the problem at hand. “You may think anything you wish, Brice, but remember when you accuse Gabriel of this terrible crime, you are also accusing me of aiding him by my denial. I was here with you, I helped you. What motive would I have for lying to you?”

Brice shook his head, rubbing his sore throat and neck. “I know he’s evil, Francesca, and I know you have to do as he tells you. I know you wouldn’t want me hurt. He’s making you say and do the things you’re doing. You’re afraid of him, aren’t you? You probably did save my life, but you’re covering up for him because you’re afraid. If you’d just tell me what he’s holding over your head, I could help you.”

Francesca sighed, swept a hand through her long silken hair impatiently. “I thought you knew me, Brice. Really knew me. If I was afraid of Gabriel and thought him capable of outright murder, if he was threatening me in some way, even with so trivial a thing as blackmail, do you think for one moment I would expose Skyler to such a person? Never. I could never, under any circumstances, be persuaded or induced to place her in jeopardy. If you know nothing else about me, you should know that. And if Gabriel had tried to strangle you, you would be dead. I would not be able to fight him off, nor would anything induce me to protect him if he had attempted to murder you.”

“I don’t know what he’s done to you, but you can expect a visit from the authorities, because I intend to press charges against him.” Brice massaged his neck and throat, coughing several times.

“Do whatever you think you have to do, Brice,” she said softly. “Obviously you think me capable of being an accomplice to murder.” Regally, she turned and swept down the hall toward the double doors, leaving Brice to stumble unsteadily to his feet by himself.

“I do not know where Lucian is, Francesca.” Gabriel’s voice was as calm as ever but she was beginning to know him well enough to hear he was worried. “Do not leave the hospital until I am once again with you. I am on my way.”

“What if that’s just what he wants? What if he is using me to lure you out where he can harm you?” There was real fear in her voice.

“He has never defeated me in battle, sweetheart. You should have more faith in your lifemate. Lucian is a very unusual vampire, just as he was an unusual Carpathian. There is no other like him. It does no good to try to second-guess him. He always does the unexpected. He could just as easily have attacked you or Skyler. He is intelligent far beyond your imagining, just as he is more powerful than the legends have told. To guess what he is up to is impossible, but he has found you and he has found Skyler. I do not want you to set one foot into the night without me by your side.”

For some reason, Francesca was annoyed. “I am not about to allow this vampire to change my life, Gabriel. This is my city. There is much I do here, much I love. Over the centuries there have been many vampires who have come and gone. For that matter, there have been many Carpathian males, yet I live on and do as I please.”

“Lucian likes games, Francesca. His mind craves action at all times. He is not one you can ‘play’ with and expect to win.”

“I will not live my life in fear of him.”

She said it defiantly, both to him and to the vampire if he was monitoring their conversation. She didn’t think it was possible, but then she had not thought it possible that anyone but Gabriel could “hear” their private path. All Carpathians communicated on a common mental path, but this was different. Gabriel was her lifemate. Their path was an individual, very intimate, personal one. No other should have been able to penetrate their private communication. Lucian was indeed powerful and unique. As she emerged into the darkness of night that was her world, into the fresh air where she could breathe without the stench of human suffering, Gabriel materialized beside her, his strong arm encircling her slender waist.

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Categories: Christine Feehan