Dark Legend. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 8

Gabriel touched Francesca’s mind, knew she had re- turned to the hospital and was entering Skyler’s room. He decided to meet her there. Francesca needed to lean on someone, whether she wanted to admit it or not. He fully intended to be that someone. He moved through the night air, a stream of mist blending with the bands of fog rising from the ground. He was not about to allow the doctor to be there alone with Francesca if anything should go wrong. He did not want to take a chance that Brice might attempt to influence the judge against allowing Skyler to live with Francesca. A small smile curved his mouth, but did not touch his coal-black eyes. Gabriel had a way of making sure the judge would give Francesca anything she wanted. He entered the room as fine molecules so he could easily slide under the door. As he moved inside, his powerful frame once again came together, still unseen by those in the room.

She was sitting on the edge of Skyler’s bed holding the young girl’s hand. Just the sight of Francesca took his breath away. He knew it always would. The judge was a tall, thin man with graying hair and kind eyes. The lawyer was altogether much too young and good-looking for Gabriel’s peace of mind. He, also, was staring at Francesca with a kind of rapture on his face. Another fan. She seemed to have them everywhere.

“So you see, Skyler, if you want to live with me, the judge is willing to agree, but you’ll have to talk to him,” Francesca coaxed gently. She was not using her voice to sway the teenager in any way.

The judge moved to within a few feet of the bed. Skyler was visibly trembling. Gabriel reached automatically for her mind. She was under his protection, a female child with psychic ability, a precious treasure to be guarded at all times. He did not like her agitation, the terrible distress on her face. Francesca was also in her mind, bolstering her courage, soothing her, aiding her to face the male strangers invading her room. The terror of her childhood was far too fresh in her mind to be able to handle such an event alone.

At once he gathered Skyler into his mental arms, pouring his strength and power into her so that she blinked in amazement. He was surrounding her mind, repeating a healing chant in the ancient language of their people, whispering teasing nonsense so that Skyler could hardly keep a straight face. Her large soft eyes darted around the room searching for him, but Gabriel was nowhere to be found. She glanced at Francesca questioningly but Francesca could only smile and shrug her shoulders. She didn’t know his exact location either, only that Gabriel’s presence was strong enough to indicate he was very close to them.

“Well, Skyler,” the judge prompted gently. “Don’t be afraid. We want to do what’s best for you, whatever will make you happy. Francesca has indicated quite strongly that she would like to be responsible for you, to be your guardian. She has room in her home and can easily give you every advantage, but you are old enough to choose for yourself. I would like to hear what you have to say.”

The door to the bedroom swung inward and Brice walked in. “May I inquire what is going on in here? This girl is my patient.”

The judge turned slowly, one eyebrow shooting up. “I thought you had agreed that we could question her today.” He glared at Francesca’s lawyer.

Gabriel reached for Brice’s mind. The man was a whirling chaotic mass of contradiction. He was angry with Francesca, certain she had already chosen to be with Gabriel. It was in his mind to sabotage her efforts to gain custody of Skyler. Gabriel forced down his own desire to allow the man to completely ruin his chances with Francesca. At once he made the decision to interfere. He solidified outside the door to Skyler’s room, shoved it open, and strode in.

Brice swore aloud, stepping back hastily to allow Gabriel entrance. Gabriel’s tall, powerful frame dwarfed the doctor’s. As he brushed by, he leaned close so that his words were heard by Brice alone. “You will tell the truth in this matter.” He gave the command softly, his voice compelling the other man to do his bidding.

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Categories: Christine Feehan