Dark Legend. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 8

A small smile curved her soft mouth. “Of course, you don’t. I’ve known that from the first,” she teased, wanting to ease the tension in him. “Come on, let’s keep walking. I want to show you some of the sights.”

Obediently Gabriel fell into step beside her, retaining possession of her hand. “You have not chastised me, not one word.”

“What would be the point? Can I change what is? I cannot change the past. Why would I want to make you feel worse than you already do? Your remorse and regret are genuine. Chastisement will help neither of us. I don’t really know what I’m feeling right now. I’ll look at it later when I’m alone. All I know is I am very tired and at this moment strangely happy. It is a beautiful night and this city is truly a beautiful one. And there is no other I would rather share it with than you.”

He had to look away from her, from the inner beauty shining out of her. Tears were burning in his eyes and he was ashamed. He didn’t deserve her, he could never make up the terrible wrongs he had done to her, no matter how hard he tried. He shifted his body more protectively toward her as they walked along the nearly deserted streets swinging their hands together.

* * *

Chapter Seven

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“Tell me of your stained glass. It is very beautiful and peaceful. When I was examining the pieces in your studio I could feel the presence of power woven into the patterns. Safeguards of a kind.” Gabriel was slightly in awe of her healing talent. Few had it so strongly. Her touch alone could impart a soothing peace and he detected that same sense of peace in her work.

She smiled, a quick flash of happiness that he would be interested in the things she enjoyed. She was glad finally to have someone she could talk to about her discoveries. “I started long ago working with small pieces. The idea was to use quilts and coverings of that nature to aid the sick. I often found when I examined a patient that there were other things involved than simply physical illness. Grief for the loss of a loved one, marital troubles, things like that. I began to experiment making specific items for individuals I had touched. I wove patterns that would aid my patients while they slept. Eventually my work became quite popular. People found they were drawn to the articles because they were so soothing.” She glanced up at him. “I’m not explaining this very well. I just read people and know what they need and try to provide it. That’s how it all started.”

“You are truly an amazing woman,” he said softly. She astounded him with her accomplishments. “And now?”

“I created a company. My identity is buried deep so if someone comes looking it will be difficult to find out who I really am.” She grinned at him, her pride in fooling the ancient Carpathian males showing through. “I even added a safeguard to discourage human sleuths.”

“A Carpathian would feel the dusting of power and certainly recognize the ancient symbols in your work,” he pointed out.

“Naturally,” she said complacently. “That is why I went to the trouble of creating a fictitious male Carpathian, an artist, who is a hermit. My work is often sought by Carpathians to safeguard their homes and bring peace to their environment. They send their orders through my company and I do the work. A few have asked to see the artist, but I always decline.”

“Any Carpathian worth his salt can distinguish the difference between the touch of a female or male.”

She raised her elegant eyebrow. “Really? Perhaps you underestimate me, Gabriel. I have lived for centuries in secret, undiscovered by the undead, by Carpathian males traveling through this city, and even by you and your brother. Although at times I suspected Lucian might have been aware of my existence. He returned often to this city and scanned more times than I care to count or remember.”

“He did?” That made Gabriel nervous. If Lucian suspected such a thing as a female Carpathian in this city, he would dig and dig until he found her. Nothing escaped Lucian’s attention. Gabriel recalled how Lucian had led him back to Paris time and again. Even their last terrible battle had been here. Had Lucian somehow been aware of a female’s presence? They had shared information all the time. What one knew, the other did, too. Would Lucian hide such knowledge from him?

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Categories: Christine Feehan