Dark Legend. Christine Feehan. Dark Series – book 8

Gabriel nodded slowly. “She is a child, Francesca. We can do no other than offer her our love and protection. No one else will ever understand her or understand the enormity of what she has suffered. I do not think we can turn her over to others.”

Francesca let out her breath in a rush of relief. She hadn’t realized she had been holding it, waiting for his answer. “We both agree. Now we just have to figure out what to do with her.”

He shrugged powerful shoulders. “In your mind is the idea that your lawyer will handle the necessary legal actions to gain custody of her. We will take her home with us. It will be necessary to find someone to aid us in her care. I seem to recall there was one family in our homeland that had humans caring for the household. The humans were exceptionally loyal to them. It was several centuries ago. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to find out about them. I was going through various things you had on the computer and this seems like a possible use for such a machine.”

Francesca heard her own laughter. Carefree. Happy. It startled her. “You just want an excuse to use the computer. A techno junkie, that’s what you are.”

He grinned at her. “You have to admit, it is a good idea. There must be some of our people who remember this family and can tell us what they did. If not, we can always take blood from human servants and command them to do our bidding. It is not the way I would prefer to proceed, but it is a viable possibility. We can offer protection in return.”

Gabriel had been leaning against the rail beside her. Now he straightened slowly, stretching like a lazy cat. There was no real change in his expression, yet all at once Francesca found she was shivering with fear. Something about him had changed completely. His hands settled around her waist and he lifted her to the bridge. “We are being watched, honey. It is not Lucian, and for that I am most grateful.”

“The undead is here.” She made it a statement. She felt it now, the creeping evil spreading like a hideous stain across the air. “What can we do?” She had always managed to hide her presence from the vicious killers. Now she was out in the open and it frightened her. She had seen the evidence of their depravity and it sickened her.

“The first thing is to get you to safety. You are a Carpathian woman. You will be his target.” His hand was at the nape of her neck, soothing the tension out of her. He was bending over her protectively, like a lover, his mouth very close to hers.

Francesca knew it was all show, but it still made her feel cherished. She had a sudden wild urge to cling to him, to his strength and tranquility. The vampire in no way disturbed him. Gabriel exuded complete confidence in his ability to destroy the creature. “I will draw him out to open ground. When I do, wait until I am certain there is only the one. When I know, I will alert you. You will dissolve into molecules, very tiny, untraceable by any but the best of our hunters. Go to the house and set safeguards. I will stay with you in a mind merge unless I must break away for the kill. Do not try to touch my mind unless you are in danger. There is no need for you to experience such violence.” His mouth brushed hers. Velvet soft. He found the corner of her mouth and lingered for just a moment as if he was savoring the feel and taste of her.

Francesca reminded herself it was all for show. Her body didn’t need to burst into flame and her heart didn’t need to somersault so treacherously. “Tell me what to do to help you. I don’t want to leave you alone to fight this thing.”

He laughed softly, his warm breath stirring the tendrils of hair at the vulnerable line of her neck. It warmed him that she offered when he could feel her fear beating inside him. He couldn’t help himself, he knew he was taking unfair advantage of the situation, using it as an excuse to touch her, to kiss her, to inch forward his claim on her. He told himself to take it slow, not to push her too hard. If only she hadn’t been so kissable, it would make his plan much easier. A sneak attack. Surround her and move in and take over before she realized what was happening.

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Categories: Christine Feehan