DARK MELODY By Christine Feehan

She started laughing too, just because he was so silly, his joy so evident. Corinne thumped him hard on the chest. “Stop laughing at me.”

“I cannot help it, honey. A beached whale? I can hardly tell you are pregnant. That is not a good analogy at all.” He put his hand over the mound of her stomach. “And I like you disheveled.” He caught her face in his hands and dragged her mouth to his.

The earth seemed to move beneath the bed, a curious rolling effect that brought dancing whips of lightning arcing through the room. The air vibrated with hunger and need. He lifted his head reluctantly and stared into her green eyes. “I love you as you are, Corinne. Right now, in this bed, while we cannot make love and there is a child growing within you. I love you with your hair all over the place and that slightly confused look on your beautiful face.” He rolled over to place his hands on either side of her head, pinning her to the bed. “I love how you look at me as if you want to take care of me, though I am the one who is the male.”

She touched her fingertips to his perfectly chiseled mouth. “We can take care of each other.” Her voice was soft and inviting, a temptation he found impossible to resist.

Aching with love for her, he bent his dark head slowly so that she watched as he came closer, his black gaze hot and hungry and full of terrible need. Corinne circled his head with her slender arms and met his mouth with a hunger of her own. He was heat and light, a symphony of music that lit her very soul. He made her heart beat wildly and her spirit soar high above the clouds. There was no one else for her, whether human or of his species. There was only Dayan with his poet’s soul and hungry eyes and dominating mouth. His hard masculine body and his perfect hands that moved over her body with the same talent as they moved over his instrument.

It was Dayan who pulled away first, putting inches between them, but he was breathing heavily. “Your heart is pounding.”

Her mouth curved slowly, her eyes dancing. “That’s yours, not mine.” It wasn’t strictly true; both hearts were beating out a syncopated rhythm together.

“The healers are going to come in here and give us a lecture,” Dayan whispered, glancing at the door.

She ruffled his hair, enjoying the luxury of touching the silky wayward strands. “What will they do if they catch us?” she asked, smirking at him. “Be shocked?”

“Order me out is more like it,” he said gravely. “I would be given a lecture about how irresponsible and selfish I am. Which I am. I should be very careful of you at all times, not giving in to temptation every time you smile at me.” He frowned at her when she pushed at his chest. “What are you doing?”

“Getting up. I have to go to the bathroom. I take it that’s not something your species has to do much.” She was teasing, but the smile faded when he continued to look at her steadily. She held up her hand. “Don’t even go there. I don’t want to know. Just get out of my way and let a mere mortal do her thing.”

“My love” – the words came out a whisper, velvet soft, and seemed to shimmer in the air between them – “I cannot allow you to run around. The healers said complete bed rest. I must insist you obey.”

“They didn’t mean not go to the bathroom. I seem to remember you carrying me the last time, but it isn’t necessary.” When he refused to move, she sighed heavily and changed tactics. “All right, carry me again. But this is embarrassing, and I’m afraid it’s becoming a bad habit.”

Dayan lifted her easily, cradling her in his arms. “I do not see why. You think of the strangest things.”

“I’d like to be in your mind once in a while and see what goes on in there,” she challenged him.

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Categories: Christine Feehan