DARK MELODY By Christine Feehan

Lisa’s lips parted in an O shape, and her blue eyes went wide with shock. “You can’t believe that nonsense. That man is crazy. Vampires! Good God, Corinne, he must be mentally ill!”

“Dayan’s right,” Cullen said as he entered the room carrying two cups of steaming liquid. “I belonged to the organization at one time. They investigate anyone who appears the least bit different. Most of those on the bottom rung are kids who love anything gothic and like to pretend they believe in vampires. They think it’s all fun and games, but the information they supply often determines who is under investigation. Those at the top are very serious about killing anyone they think is a vampire. They do it in a ritualistic way. A stake through the heart, garlic in the mouth, beheading – the whole bit. These people are fanatical, and they’re killers.”

Lisa was staring at him in horror. “You joined something so stupid? Why would you do that?”

“I believe vampires exist,” Cullen admitted. “I saw one.” He kept his gaze fixed on Lisa, waiting for shock, for condemnation. Waiting to lose his chance with her.

Corinne and Lisa exchanged one long look. They were suddenly very aware they were alone in a house with someone they didn’t know very well. And the man was probably very ill. Last night, when Dayan was talking to her, Corinne thought he’d made perfect sense, but now it all seemed totally insane.

Cullen handed each of them a cup of tea. “Don’t look at me that way. I know what you’re thinking, but I’m not crazy. There was a time I thought I was losing my mind. Several years ago, I was engaged and my fiancée and I had gone out to dinner. At that time there was a serial killer loose in the city. He targeted women, and their bodies were always drained of blood. My fiancée was murdered that night, and I witnessed it. I saw him bite her neck and drain the blood out of her. I saw it with my own eyes. He would have killed me too, but something interrupted him.” He tapped his finger against the palm of his hand. “I saw him kill her. No one would believe me. I wasn’t drinking. I don’t use drugs, but the cops wanted to lock me up in a mental institution instead of listening to me. Those in the organization listened to me. Unfortunately, my anger and terror bought me a membership into the inner sanctum of the group.” He tried not to sound bitter, but even after all this time he still felt the pain of that time. He looked directly at Lisa. “I swear to you, I’m not crazy. I saw a monster. I saw it.”

There was a look on his face, totally vulnerable, very sad. Lisa wanted to cry. There was an actual pain in her chest. It was all she could do not to run to him and comfort him. She didn’t know what he had witnessed that horrible night, but he certainly believed he’d seen a vampire. “I know you’re not crazy, Cullen,” she said softly.

Cullen stared at her a moment longer, then began to blink rapidly, fighting some strong emotion. When he looked away, Lisa caught the sheen of tears in his eyes, and a large lump in her throat threatened to choke her.

She was happy she hadn’t blurted out a condemnation. Whatever he had seen that night had changed his life for all time. Lisa knew about murder and trauma.

She glanced apprehensively at Corinne and caught her watching her thoughtfully. For no reason at all, Lisa found herself blushing. “What?”

“Don’t ‘what’ me.” Corinne took a cautious sip of tea. “Mmm, perfect, Cullen, thank you. I think you’ve revived me. I swear I was so sleepy I didn’t think I could ever get up.” Her hand crept up to cover a spot on her neck, just over her pulse, where she felt a sudden warmth, as if Dayan’s mouth had moved over her skin.

“Are you sure we shouldn’t take you to the doctor just to be on the safe side?” Lisa asked anxiously.

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Categories: Christine Feehan