DARK MELODY By Christine Feehan

Cullen smiled at her. “Lisa was frightened when she couldn’t wake you up. Would you like something to eat or drink? I could make you tea or coffee,” he offered.

“He makes great tea,” Lisa confirmed. “Rina loves tea, don’t you?”

“That would be wonderful,” Corinne agreed. Lisa was looking at Cullen with her heart in her eyes, something Corinne had never seen before. It wouldn’t hurt to drink a cup of his tea to please her. “Where’s Dayan?” She tried to sound casual, but it must not have come off that way, because Lisa glared at her, and Corinne couldn’t help blushing.

“Just what went on last night?” Lisa hissed when Cullen stepped out of the room. “Don’t you think you’re in enough trouble without getting mixed up with a rock star?”

“He doesn’t exactly play rock,” Corinne answered mischievously.

Lisa frowned in reprimand. “Don’t joke about this, Corinne. It isn’t funny. You know very well you’ve always had an aversion to being in the public eye. What do you think is going to happen if you start running around with that man? The tabloids love people like him. Forget about him.”

Corinne reached out and gently took Lisa’s hand. “This isn’t about Dayan at all, is it? I’m not going to die, Lisa. I won’t. I’m a fighter, you know that. This baby is going to be a part of us – both of us, our family. You aren’t going to lose me.”

Instant tears were swimming in Lisa’s blue eyes. Her fingers closed convulsively around Corinne’s as if her grip could somehow keep death at bay. “You always overestimate your strength, Rina, you do. Even John said so. I want the baby too, but not at your expense. I don’t want to be all alone. I couldn’t stand that. I’ve already lost John.” She laid her head in Corinne’s lap for comfort. For the first time, she could feel the baby there, lying between them. She moved her head and placed her hand over the small mound. “It’s moving,” Lisa said with a kind of wonder.

“She’s kicking,” Corinne confirmed, stroking Lisa’s hair. “A little girl, Lisa. It’ll be okay, you’ll see. I know I can do this. I want the baby so much.”

“I’m sorry, Rina, I didn’t mean to sound so awful about the baby. I really do want it too. I want to be excited. She’ll be the only thing I have left of John, but I love you. I can’t stand the thought of anything happening to you. I’m sure Dayan’s a really nice person. Cullen says he is. And he doesn’t have the reputation of being a womanizer. I didn’t mean to imply that. I don’t know why I was saying all those crazy things.” Lisa wailed the words, ashamed of herself.

“I know, Lisa,” Corinne crooned soothingly, “you’re afraid of losing me. But I’m really not going anywhere. You just have to believe we’ll be all right. It’s natural, after what happened to John, to be afraid of losing family, but it won’t happen. I’m very strong. I feel better than I have in years.”

Lisa sat up slowly, taking a deep breath and giving Corinne a tentative smile. “So was there really someone in our house last night? Cullen didn’t say one way or the other.” She glanced toward the door and lowered her voice. “I thought it a little strange he didn’t want to call the police or go back to help his friend, didn’t you?”

Corinne leaned against the headboard of the bed. She was beginning to wake up, the heavy, fuzzy feeling was fading away. “Dayan talked to me about it last night, Lisa. He thinks we’re both in danger from the same people who murdered John.”

Lisa was silent for a moment. “You know more about John’s death than you let on, don’t you?” She looked down at her hands. “You never told me, because I never ask questions. I’m like an ostrich.”

“You’re not an ostrich,” Corinne denied gently, refraining from smiling. “You’re a beautiful young woman who suffered far too much trauma as a child. John and I both got in the habit of trying to protect you.”

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Categories: Christine Feehan