DARK MELODY By Christine Feehan

Tempest exchanged a long look with Desari. “Have you tried to get pregnant?” Tempest asked. “Darius and I only just found each other. I haven’t thought of children yet.”

Savannah laughed. “In truth, Gregori and I have only been together a few weeks. I would love to give him twins. Total trouble for him to frantically chase around and guard instead of me. As soon as we are finished here, we intend to return to the Carpathian Mountains, where we will make our home. Once settled, I’m certain we’ll try to have a child. Jacques and Shea will travel home with us. All of us intend to fly to Paris first to visit with Gregori’s older brothers, Gabriel and Lucian. Lucian was just married, but unfortunately, Gregori and I missed the wedding due to unforeseen circumstances.”

“Is it dangerous for Shea to travel?” Corinne didn’t want to think another woman had put her child in jeopardy for her sake.

“Jacques would never allow Shea to do anything dangerous,” Savannah pointed out. “He’s Mister Protective where she’s concerned.”

Tempest and Desari burst out laughing. “And Gregori isn’t with you?”

Corinne frowned. “Where are Lisa and Cullen? Are they okay? Lisa must be so frightened.”

The smile faded from Desari’s face. She was silent for a moment before answering, obviously conferring with someone else. “Lisa and Cullen are relatively safe where they are. Barack and Syndil are with them. Julian, my lifemate, has gone to their aid and has removed all immediate threats to them. They are under his protection. He has something of a reputation in matters of security.” Desari phrased it as delicately as possible so as not to disturb Corinne’s careful balance.

Corinne paled even more. “I thought those people were trying to kill me. Is Lisa still in danger?”

“The society targets anyone with paranormal abilities, but its members do not seem to be able to distinguish those traits very well. Because Lisa is a member of your family, she was also put on their list. Cullen was already on it and had been for some time. After Dayan brought you here, another attempt was made on Cullen’s life at the hospital. Of course, Barack and Syndil were there, so Lisa and Cullen were unharmed. We removed them to a more easily guarded place.”

“Why didn’t you bring them here? Lisa is easily frightened. This must be terrible for her. I need to go to her,” Corinne said immediately, catching hold of the quilt as if to throw it off.

Desari laid a gentle hand over Corinne’s. “You’re not thinking clearly. Your first duty is to your daughter and your own health. You may be feeling better, but the improvement is definitely temporary. You cannot be moving around and making your heart work any harder than necessary. It would not do Lisa, Cullen or anyone else any good if you were to die.” She leaned close so that her dark eyes could look directly into Corinne’s. “You do know that, don’t you, Corinne?”

Corinne blinked away the illusion that she was freefalling into space. “I know I love Lisa and she must be very frightened. Is Cullen going to live?”

Desari nodded. Corinne had extremely strong mind protection for a human. Dayan had told them it took more than usual strength to shield her mind or to persuade her. Desari didn’t want to put any pressure on her that might alarm her. “Cullen sustained tremendous injuries, and the truth is, Barack donated blood to him, which is something we do not do lightly. Cullen cannot be fully brought over. He and Barack will be connected to one another for the rest of Cullen’s lifetime. We have great affection for Cullen, and Darius would not allow him to die when it was in our power to save him. Lisa is with him and is helping to care for him. I believe it will be good for her to take responsibility for Cullen’s health.”

Corinne was watching Desari’s face. “Because you think I’m going to die.”

Desari shook her head decisively. “Because Dayan has no choice but to bring you fully into our world, and Lisa cannot follow you here. You will remain good friends, but you can no longer be the one to manage her life for her.” Desari spoke as gently as possible, but her seriousness showed in her dark, expressive eyes.

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Categories: Christine Feehan