DARK MELODY By Christine Feehan

Dayan paled visibly. “That cannot happen.”

“The child is aware of the danger,” Darius said softly, his voice a perfect blend of power and velvet. “She will endeavor to hold on during our weakest hours. She understands and will fight to hold on.”

“I am not completely powerless at that time and will help should the birth start early, but I can do nothing if Corinne’s heart should fail her,” Gregori said.

“Then I will convert her now,” Dayan said, his black eyes flickering with the flames reflecting off the crystals. A cold wind seemed to sweep through the huge chamber so that the flickering lights of the candles grew and danced in a mad frenzy.

Corinne’s small hand fluttered, found Dayan’s mouth, her fingertips moving gently over his perfectly chiseled features in a gesture of tender recrimination. ‘You promised me, Dayan. I hold you to your word.’

At once he pressed a kiss into the center of her palm, held her hand to him tightly as if he could chain her to earth with him. ‘I can do no other than honor it.’

“Corinne.” Savannah’s voice was very soft. “Shea is a great healer. Before she became one of us, she was a surgeon, human, much like yourself. Remember? We spoke of her. I have called her; she is making her way swiftly to us. She will be of great help to us with your baby. Do you understand me?”

Corinne nodded. “I understand what you’re trying to tell me. I’ll hang on until she arrives. If it gives my baby a better chance, I’ll do anything.”

“Shea is an exceptional woman,” Gregori added. “She has long researched this particular problem and is hopeful she has found ways to aid our children as they grow.”

“Corinne is very tired,” Dayan said softly. “Thank you all for your help.”

Corinne was aware of movement in the chamber, another flurry of activity as a bed was prepared for her. There was no thought of returning her to the surface, to the house they had originally taken her to. She would remain with Dayan deep within the crystal world until her heart ceased to provide her with life.

Dayan held her close to him as he murmured his thanks to the vague, shadowy figures moving out of the chamber. Corinne was content to lie in his arms, feeling his solid frame, grateful for the strength in him. The chamber was filled with a fragrance that seemed to envelop her in tranquillity, serenity. She felt at peace, free to enjoy what she could of this strange underground world.

Darius leaned down to rest his hand on the top of her silky hair. “Welcome to our family, little sister. We are grateful you have been found.” His hand slipped away and he moved silently, taking the sense of his enormous power with him.

Tempest bent to kiss her cheek. “Be strong, Corinne, and welcome.” She took Darius’s outstretched hand and followed him out.

Desari and Julian brushed a welcoming kiss of encouragement on her forehead, exchanged a soft word with Dayan and glided out.

Gregori and his lifemate Savannah were the last to slip away. They reassured Dayan they would be close by should there be need.

“At last,” Dayan whispered softly, “we are alone.” He settled Corinne comfortably in the bed. The sound of the waterfall should have been loud, but already Corinne had learned to mute her hearing so it was one less thing Dayan needed to do for her. He tucked the quilt around her. “After the baby is born, you will be fully healed, and I am going to spend endless nights making love to you. Has my hair turned color yet? I expect to rise with white hair after all these scares.”

She smiled, her hand tangling in his long black hair. “I love your hair just the way it is. Don’t get white hair on my account. Which one of us was the nutcase going out to fight the unholy dragon?” ‘What was that, anyway?’ It was too much trouble to use her voice, so she slipped into the intimacy of mind merge. ‘You thought you needed an adventure? White knight charging the burning fires with a bucketful of water?’

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Categories: Christine Feehan