David Gemmell. Ironhand’s Daughter

‘Hmmm,’ muttered Obrin, unconvinced. “Tis a pretty tale. My tribe has many such, the Spear of Goldark, the Sword of Kal-thyn. Maybe one day I’ll see this Crown. But you were talking of Sigarni. If you loved her, and she you, why did it end?’

‘I was a fool. I wanted sons, Obrin. It’s important in the Highlands. I had a need to watch my boys grow, to teach them of forestry and hunting, to instil in them a love of the land. Sigarni is barren – like your rose in crystal. I walked away from her. But not an hour has passed since when her face does not shine in my memories. Even when I lay with my wife, Gwen, all I could see was Sigarni. It was the worst mistake of my life.’ Fell drained the last of the wine and lay back on the floor of the hut. ‘I’d just like to see her laugh once more… to be the way she was.’ He closed his eyes.

Obrin sat quietly as Fell’s breathing deepened.

You’re wrong, Fell, he thought. I know what war is, and I know the pain and terror that is coming. Given a choice I’d keep Sigarni the way she is, the Ice Queen, the cold-hearted warrior woman whose strategies have already seen three enemy forts overcome, and several tons of supplies brought into the encampments.

Obrin pulled on his jerkin and stepped out into the night.

Sigarni was tired. The morning had been a long one, discussing supplies with Tovi, organizing patrols with Grame and Fell, then poring over the battle plans drawn up by Asmidir and Ari, listening to Obrin’s tales of woe concerning training.

‘We’ve not the time to train them properly,’ said the stocky Outlander. ‘I’ve got them responding to the hunting horn for attack and retreat and re-form. But that is it! Your army will be like a spear, Sigarni. One throw is all you get.’

She felt as if her mind could take not one more ounce of pressure, and had walked with Lady to a hill-top to look upon the ageless beauty of High Druin, hoping to steal a fragment of its eternal peace.

Two of Asmidir’s Al-jfttn walked twenty paces behind her, never speaking but always present. At first their ceaseless vigilance had been a source of irritation, but now she found their silent presence reassuring. A stand of trees grew across the hill-top, and these gave some shelter from the wind as Sigarni stared out over the winter landscape at the brooding magnificence of High Druin, its sharp peaks spearing the clouds. Down on the slopes leading to the valley she could see Loda children tobogganing, and hear the squeals of their laughter. The sounds were shrill, and echoed in the mountains.

Will they still be laughing in a few weeks, she wondered?

Taliesen had disappeared again, gone to whatever secret place wizards inhabit, and his last words to her echoed constantly in her memory: ‘The Pallides will ask for a sign.’

‘They already have,’ she had told him.

‘No, no, listen to me!’ They will ask for something specific. When they do, agree to it. Don’t hesitate. I will be back when I have prepared the way. Will you trust me?’

‘You have given me no reason to distrust you. But what if they ask me to supply the moon on a silver salver?’

‘Say that you will,’ he said, with a dry laugh. He threw his tattered cloak of feathers around his scrawny frame, and his smile faded. ‘They will not ask that, but it will seem as difficult. Remember my words, Sigarni. I will be back before the first snowdrops of spring. We will meet by Ironhand’s Falls in twelve days.’

Lady brushed against her leg and whined. Sigarni knelt and stroked her long ears.’I have neglected you, my lovely,’ she said. ‘I am sorry.’ Lady’s long nose pushed against Sigarni’s cheek and she felt the hound’s warm tongue on her face. ‘You are so forgiving.’ She patted Lady’s dark flank.

‘She wishes solitude,’ she heard one of her guards say. Sigarni turned to see a tall, dark-haired woman standing with the two men.

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Categories: David Gemmell