David Gemmell. Ironhand’s Daughter

‘What do you seek here, Woman of Loda?’ asked Torgan, as Sigarni dismounted. He did not rise from his seat, and his words were spoken scornfully.

‘Is this the Farlain Gifted One?’ countered Sigarni, pointing at the old man.

‘It is. What concern is that of yours?’

Sigarni turned away from him, scanning the faces in the crowd. There was hostility there. ‘Have his dreams been made known to the people of the Farlain?’ she asked, raising her voice so that the crowd could hear her.

Torgan rose. ‘Aye, they have. He told us of a troublesome woman who would bring death and destruction upon the clans: a Loda woman of low morals who by murder would enrage the Outlanders. And his dreams were true!’

Despite her anger Sigarni stayed calm. ‘He is no Gifted One,’ she said. ‘He is a fraud and a liar. And I will speak no more of him. Let the Farlain know this: An Outland force raided Cilfallen. We destroyed them. More will come, and they will attack and butcher any in their path, whether they be Loda, Farlain, Pallides or Wingoras. All true Gifted Ones know this. And you will see the truth of my words. I am Sigarni. I am of the Blood of Kings. And I do not lie.’

Torgan laughed. ‘Aye, we know who you are, Sigarni. Word of your talent has reached us even here. You will leave the lands of the Farlain, and think yourself fortunate that we do not bind you and deliver you to the Outlanders for a just execution. Go back to your pitiful band and tell the idiots who follow you that the Farlain are not to be fooled.’

‘How can I tell them that,’ responded Sigarni, ‘when it is obvious that they have been fooled already?’ Spinning on her heel she strode to her stallion and stepped into the saddle. ‘There are other Gifted Ones,’ she told the crowd, ‘in other clans. Be wise and seek their guidance. For the days of blood are here and if we do not join together we will be slaughtered separately. A leader has been prophesied – one who will unite the clans against the enemy. I am that leader.’

‘No whore will ever lead the Farlain,’ shouted the Hunt Lord. ‘Begone before we stone you!’

Sigarni touched heels to her stallion and rode from the town.

Now, as she sat in the icy cold beneath a darkening sky, her anger remained, hot and compelling. Sigarni had been better received among the Pallides, but even here they had promised no warriors to

serve under her leadership. Arriving in the Lam Valley, she had been met outside the township by the blond warrior Loran, who had bowed as she dismounted.

‘Well met, lady, and welcome,’ he said. ‘It is good to see you again.’ The memory of their meeting by Ironside’s Falls seemed as distant as a dream of another life and she found herself gazing at the handsome Pallides as if he was a stranger. ‘Your armour fits you well,’ he said. ‘I am sorry that the shelters we built for the Loda people are so … so humble. But we did not have much time.’

‘They will suffice,’ she said. From the tree line a huge man ambled into view and waved at Loran. Sigarni watched his approach with undisguised amazement. A little over six feet tall, his shoulders seemed impossibly wide, and his neck was easily as big as her thigh. His head was large, and though beardless he had grown his sideburns long and they merged with his hair line to give him a leonine appearance.

‘By God!’ she whispered. ‘Is it real?’

Loran chuckled. ‘it is my cousin Mereth. And he’s real enough.’

‘Is this her?’ said Mereth, squinting at Sigarni. His voice was a low rumble like distant thunder.

‘Aye, Mereth, this is Sigarni.’ He moved his head close to her face. ‘Handsome woman,’ he said amiably.

‘Mereth’s vision is weak,’ explained Loran. ‘It is his only weakness. He’s the strongest man I’ve ever seen.’

‘The strongest that ever was,’ said Mereth proudly. ‘I broke Lennox’s record for the caber – and they said that couldn’t be done. They said he was a giant. I broke it. Are you the Queen now?’

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Categories: David Gemmell