David Gemmell. Ironhand’s Daughter

The shield-wall opened and Leofric saw Asmidir charge out, with a group of men in black and silver armour. They came in a tight wedge that clove through the advancing line. Behind them, bearing spears and swords, the Highland women rushed at the attackers.

The sight of thousands of fighters streaming from the hill-top finally unnerved the advancing men. They broke and ran.

Asmidir leapt at the Baron, his two-handed sword slashing towards the Baron’s neck. The Baron blocked it with his shield and gave a return blow that crashed against Asmidir’s shoulder-plate, dislodging it. The black man dropped to one knee and sent a wild cut that thundered against the Baron’s calf, smashing his greave to shards and knocking him to the ground. Rolling to his left, the Baron clambered to his feet and threw aside his shield. Holding his own blade two-handed, he rushed the black man. ‘You treacherous bastard!’ he screamed.

Their swords clashed again and again. A blow from Asmidir smashed the links on the Baron’s neck protector and slashed up to open his cheek. Blood streamed from the cut.

Suddenly weary, Leofric sat down and watched the duel. All around him men were dying, but no one attacked the slightly-built spectator who sat quietly with his hands hugging his knees.

Both men were strong and the fight continued at a savage pace. Asmidir was bleeding from wounds in both arms and a cut on his temple. The Baron blocked an overhead cut and, as Asmidir pressed in close, head-butted the black man, sending him staggering back. Dropping his sword, the Baron hurled himself at his half-stunned opponent and both men fell to the ground. The Baron drew his dagger and raised it high.

An arrow punched through his leather eye-patch, slicing deep into his brain. Leofric glanced to his right and saw the warrior queen, Sigarni, in armour of bright silver, a winged helm upon her head, a short hunting bow in her hand. The Baron gave a choking cry, and toppled from Asmidir.

Leofric stood and walked over to the black man, kneeling beside him. ‘Are you all right?’ he enquired.

‘How is it that you live?’ asked Asmidir, surprised.

Leofric shrugged. ‘Forgot to draw my sword.’ He helped Asmidir to his feet and the two men approached Sigarni.

Handing the bow to a dark-haired woman on her right, she surveyed the battlefield. There were still isolated pockets of fighting, but the battle was over.

She swung to Leofric and Asmidir introduced them. ‘You have a charmed life, Leofric,’ she said. ‘Thousands of men died today, and you have not even been scratched.’

‘I’m not much of a soldier,’ he said. ‘I’ve been offered a teaching post at the capital’s University. With your leave, I think I’ll accept it.’

She nodded. ‘There has been enough blood-letting today. Go from here, Leofric, ride south to your King. Tell him the truth about all that happened here. I fear it will make little difference.’

‘It won’t, lady. He’ll come with an army ten times the size of the one you defeated here. It will never end.’

Stepping forward, she placed her hands upon his shoulders and brought her face close to his. ‘Look into my eyes, Leofric, and hear me well. It will end, for I will end it. Tell him these words from Sigarni, the Queen of the North: Advance against me and I will destroy you. I will bring fire and death into your kingdom, and I will snatch you from your throne and throw your body to the dogs.’

Sigarni turned away from him and walked down the hillside. Asmidir took the young man’s arm and led him down into the pass. They found a horse and Leofric climbed into the saddle. ‘Your strategy was masterful,’ he said. ‘I congratulate you.’

Asmidir smiled. ‘Not my strategy, boy. Hers. All war is based on deception and she learned that lesson well. Go in peace, Leofric, and be sure never to cross my path again.’

‘I wish you well, Asmidir,’ said the young man, ‘but I fear there will be no happy ending here.’

‘The man who ripped the heart from my country is dead. That is a good enough ending for today. Now ride!’

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Categories: David Gemmell