David Gemmell. Ironhand’s Daughter

‘You look tired, Sigarni. Perhaps you should rest for a while.’

‘No,’ she told him, ‘I need to see Taliesen before he leaves. Will you fetch him?’

‘And then you will rest?’

She nodded. As Fell left the cabin Sigarni felt the truth of his words. Her bones ached with weariness, and her mind seemed to float from problem to problem, never settling. How long since you slept, she asked herself? Three days? Four?

Taliesen entered. ‘The enemy is six thousand strong,’ he said, ‘and they will be here in two days. I wish you good fortune, Sigarni. It all rests now on your skill, and the courage of your men.’

‘I wish you could stay, Taliesen. Your powers would be more than useful.’

‘I shall return when the battle is over.’

‘You are assuming that we will conquer?’

‘No,’ he said sadly. ‘I am making no assumptions. I have seen many futures, Sigarni. In some you win, in others you die.’

‘They cannot all be true,’ she pointed out.

‘Oh, they can,’ he said softly. ‘I long ago learned that there are many worlds identical to our own. When we travel between them, all things are possible. If you are dead when I return I will travel more Gateways, seeking a Sigarni who survived.’

‘Why not seek her now – and then tell me how she did it?’

He smiled ‘I like you, Battle Queen. Truly. And now I must go. Have you spoken to Ironhand since he lost his second life?’

‘Yes. His hurt is considerable, but he is still with me,’ she said, touching the pouch hanging at her throat.

‘I am sorry for the dwarf. I did not know that he would be so affected beyond the Gate.’

‘Kollarin will find him. Ballistar is strong; he will recover. Go in peace, Taliesen.’

The old man bowed once more and walked to the door. Sigarni stretched herself out on the narrow pallet bed.

And drifted into the bliss of a dreamless sleep.

When she awoke Ironhand was sitting beside her. The old King was clad once more in his silver armour, with a great winged helm upon his head, his beard braided. ‘How long have I been asleep?’ she asked.

‘Three hours. Fell is outside the cabin and is allowing no one in.’

‘Now is the time for decisions,’ she said, sitting up and rubbing the sand of sleep from her eyes. ‘And it frightens me.’

‘As it should. A little fear is like yeast to the spirit, encouraging it to grow strong.’

‘What if I make a mistake now?’

‘Then all die,’ he told her bluntly.

She took a deep, calming breath. ‘What advice can you offer me?’

‘You are the Queen of the Highlands, my daughter, and I am proud of you. But now you must learn the one, terrible lesson of monarchy. That you are alone. The decision is yours. Win or lose, you carry the weight. For what it is worth, however, I will offer one thought – seek out the wife of Torgan.’

‘You know her?’

‘I was with you when you spoke last to her. She made you smile, and she made you cry. Both were good for you.’

‘Then you cannot say which defensive plan would be the best for us? I was relying on you, Ironhand. You have fought so many battles. You won them all.’

‘No, I didn’t. Wish I had. I was always too headstrong. I just won the important ones. Seek out the woman, then make a decision. Stick to it, and be firm in your leadership. If you have doubts, hide them. You are the Battle Queen. They will all look to you, now and always.’

‘You will be with me on the battlefield?’

‘Aye, then I will seek Elarine and the fields of glory.’

The image shimmered and vanished. Sigarni rose and called out to Fell, who entered the room and knelt beside her. ‘You were talking in your sleep,’ he said.’I could not make out the words.’

‘I am going for a walk. Will you join me?’

‘I am at your command,’ he told her.

‘I am asking you as a. friend, Fell,’ she told him, holding out her hand. For a moment only he stared at it, then their fingers touched. She looked into his deep brown eyes, and watched his smile grow.

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Categories: David Gemmell