David Gemmell. Ironhand’s Daughter

The fat whore woke with a start and screamed. Kollarin’s head was pounding. ‘Be quiet, please!’ he said, squeezing shut his eyes. ‘My head is splitting.’

‘Why is he here?’ she asked, drawing the blanket over her large breasts. Kollarin smiled at this show of shyness. ‘Employment, my pretty,’ he said. ‘This gentleman has come to offer me coin, with which to pay for your expert services. Now go back to sleep.’ Kollarin continued to dress, pulling on a pair of brown leather boots over his green leggings. His shirt was of wool, dyed dark green, and over this he donned a sleeveless leather jerkin lined with fleece.

Moving past the captain, he descended the stairs. Two soldiers were idling there and the innkeeper was standing by, his expression cold.

‘I must apologize,’ said Kollarin, ‘for the ruination of your rest, my friend. It appears there has been an emergency of some kind. I am sure the captain will reimburse you.’

‘Fat chance of that,’ snapped the innkeeper, walking to the door and holding it open.

Out in the street Redgaer started to explain, but Kollarin cut him short. ‘No need for words, captain. Merely take me to the scene.’

They moved swiftly through the town up the short hill to the arched gateway where a corpse lay on the cold stone. Kollarin knelt beside the body, laying his right hand just above the gaping wound in the man’s neck. ‘This is not where it began,’ he said, and rose to walk across the moonlit courtyard to the dungeon stairs. Here was a second corpse. Kollarin paused, laid his hand on the man’s head, then walked on.

The soldiers and the captain trooped after him and Kollarin entered the small dungeon. On the floor was the last corpse. Kollarin stood for a moment staring down at the man. He had been castrated, and then the genitalia had been pushed into his open mouth. Kneeling beside him, Kollarin touched his hand to the cold stone floor and closed his eyes. Images poured into his mind. He let them flow for a few seconds, then closed them off. Remaining where he was for a moment more, he gathered his thoughts and rose, turning to face the captain. ‘What do you wish to know?’ he asked, keeping his tone neutral.

‘How many were involved in the attack? Where are they now?’

‘There was no attack, captain,’ said Kollarin softly. ‘The raped woman lay where this man is now, pretending to be unconscious. When he too desired a piece of the vile action she stabbed out his eyes – as you can see.’ The captain did not look down. ‘She used her fingers. Then she took his dagger and killed him with it. She was in great pain herself at the time – but then you know that.’ Kollarin turned. ‘She fell to her knees and vomited there, then sat for a moment or two upon the cot.’ Moving past the captain he stepped out into the dungeon corridor. ‘Still holding the dagger she made for the stairs. The other guard was returning. He said something, but it is unclear to me. She killed him, then made her way up the stairs.’ Kollarin followed in her footsteps and found a smear of blood upon the stairwell wall. Touching his ringers to it he closed his eyes once more. The captain and the soldiers were pressing in close. ‘Ah yes,’ said Kollarin. ‘Here she paused for a moment. She is thinking of three men, two soldiers… and you, captain. She has decided to seek them out and kill them. But she is weak, and bleeding. She castrates this guard too, but has little energy to spare. She is thinking of a tavern, trying to remember where it is. She has heard the men speak of spending the evening there.’

‘The Blue Duck!’ said one of the soldiers.

‘And that’s where she is heading?’ asked Redgaer. Kollarin nodded.

Was heading, captain. This was some while ago.’

Redgaer Kushir-bane pushed past the Finder and ran up the stairs, the soldiers pounding after him. Kollarin followed. The four men ran through the streets, arriving at the Blue Duck tavern in time to see the crowd gathered around the bodies of the two soldiers. Kollarin pushed through and squatted down by the bodies.

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Categories: David Gemmell