Deadspawn by Brian Lumley

No, Harry answered, grimly, and nothing fair about him, either. But me, I’m fair. I only take an eye for an eye . . .


Nightmare Junction

Johnny had stopped at an all-services motorway watering-hole north of Newark. He’d chosen the A1(T) rather than the larger Ml because its service stations usually had richer pickings: not only long-distance truckers and motorists used its facilities but locals, too. It was Johnny’s experience that when the town and village dance halls slowed down around midnight the young ones headed this way for a cheap motorway meal after a hard night’s drinking, dancing and whatever. He’d stopped here before, but no luck as yet. Maybe tonight.

On clutch and air-brakes, he’d snorted and whoofed the big articulated truck around the tarmac until he’d found a place to park it where its nose sniffed the exit route. It was as well to be able to drive out of such places with as little trouble as possible. The place was on a major junction; the car park was busy and the lorry park half-empty; people came and went in small parties to and from the brightly-lit diner. Johnny’s would be just one more face over a plate of chicken and chips and a pint of alcohol-free.

Inside, there’d been nothing much of a queue at the self-service bar; in a little while Johnny had settled at a table in a corner booth where he’d toyed with his food and casually looked the place over for a likely female face. There were several, but . . . they didn’t fit his bill: too old, too drab, slack-faced, sharp-eyed, accompanied, or stone-cold sober. A few bright-eyed young things, yes, but all hanging on to flash boyfriends. Well, that’s how it went. But there were plenty more places just like this between here and London. And you never could tell when your luck was going to change.

He remembered a time when, on a lonely stretch of road, this bird had roared by in a little red sports job. He’d bombed after her and forced her off the road into a ditch, then told her he was sorry and it was an accident -but he would be glad to give her a lift to the nearest I garage. Oh, he’d given her a lift, all right, but not to a garage. And then it had been her turn to give him a lift, a really good one, a real high. Johnny had been in a weird mood that night: after killing her he’d chopped a channel up under her jaw and fucked her in the throat. She’d felt it, of course, and how the dead bitch had yelped! Oh, she’d had cock in her throat before, but not coming from that direction.

Thinking about it had got him worked up. He must have one tonight. But not from this place. Maybe he should move on.

And that was when he saw … he saw . . . what the shit?

It wasn’t possible but … he had to fight with his eyes to keep them from looking in her direction again. She was just over there; she’d just slid her backside on to a seat in a booth close by; there was a blind guy there, too – or a guy in dark glasses, anyway – but he didn’t seem to be with her. She had a coffee, just a coffee, and she was the same as last time. She was exactly the same. And for a moment Johnny’s mind whirled, for he could swear he’d had this one before!

How can that be? he asked himself. How can it be? And the answer was simple: it couldn’t be. Unless this girl was the other’s twin sister … or her double.’

And then he remembered reading something about that in the papers: how they thought the one he’d had in Edinburgh – Penny, that was her name – was someone else. But then she’d turned up alive: the spitting image of the one he’d screwed, murdered, and screwed again. Stranger still, the one who’d turned up had also been called Penny. Coincidence? Jesus, coincidence! But the biggest coincidence of them all: here she was, right now, right here. That is, unless he’d started seeing fucking things.

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Categories: Brian Lumley