Deadspawn by Brian Lumley

The telepath at once narrowed his eyes and quietly, with a shiver in his voice, called downstairs: ‘He’s close! He’s coming!’

In the spacious front room of the house, which had served mainly as Harry’s study – whose French windows looked out over a garden descending in shallow terraces to a high wall and the river bank beyond – Ben Trask and Guy Teale received Paxton’s hushed warning and acknowledged it with tight-lipped glances and cramped, edgy movements. Moon and starlight were their only sources of illumination, which in itself was a mistake on their part. Their eyes had needed to adjust to the darkness, and even now worked inefficiently in the room’s gloom. But the Necroscope’s every sense was already adjusted; the night was his element.

It was the same for those upstairs as for Trask and Teale: their only light was that of the moon, creeping into Harry’s bedroom through a window with the curtains thrown back. But downstairs: Teale felt Harry’s presence, touched Ben Trask’s elbow and husked, ‘Paxton’s right. He’s close. And my God, I suddenly realize what we’re doing here! Ben, what if he comes here, right to this room?’

‘You do nothing,’ Trask answered, gruffly. ‘You hold that crossbow on him and do nothing. You give me a chance to talk to him, is all. But if I don’t get that chance, or if you yourself are threatened, then you shoot – and you shoot for real! The heart. Is that understood?’

It was.

‘Now be quiet. Watch. And listen.’

Outside in the garden, mist crawled through the gate in the wall where it hung on rusted hinges. Milky tendrils covered the lower terraces and lapped along the paths. And Trask knew well enough what that meant.

Harry made a Möbius jump from the river bank beyond the gate and emerged with his back to the wall of the house, just to one side of the open French windows. He listened and could hear the breathing of the two men in the room, could feel their very heartbeats. One of them was Ben Trask, but Penny wasn’t with them. She was upstairs . . . and so was Paxton.

‘Jesus!’ Teale panted, the short hairs rising at the back of his neck. ‘He’s here! I know he is! And I’ve just seen a lot of trouble, a whole load of pain, for one of us.’

Trask cocked his SMG. He took two paces out through the French windows and stood ankle-deep in mist, looking this way and that about the night garden. But he failed to look up. He backed into the room and said, Trouble? Pain? For me? You? Who for, for fuck’s sake?’

‘Paxton!’ Teale hissed. ‘For Paxton!’

Trask turned horrified eyes to the ceiling. Paxton, Robinson and the girl were upstairs; Harry owed Paxton one, maybe several, and that vicious little bastard was holding his woman up there. Trask had worked out, with entirely human logic, that like any ordinary adversary the Necroscope would enter the downstairs rooms first; which was the main reason he’d sent Paxton upstairs: to keep Harry safe, for a little while anyway. Long enough that Trask could maybe talk to him and make sure he got whatever breaks were due him. But Harry wasn’t any ordinary adversary and Trask might have guessed he wouldn’t work that way. He’d work his way, which was unique. But Paxton was in charge up there, and Robinson had a bloody flamethrower!

‘Upstairs!’ Trask gasped. ‘Let’s go – now!’

Harry, too, had decided that it was time. Upside down above the high window of his bedroom, he used the great webbed sucker discs of his hands to cling to the pitted wall of the house and lowered his head to look in. A cloud scudding over the moon obscured the small shadow which his head cast. He glanced inside for a moment only, then withdrew. But adding together what he saw and the thoughts of those inside, he now had a complete picture. And before anyone or thing could move or do anything to change that picture, he acted.

He relaxed his hold on the wall, conjured a door and fell through it –

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Categories: Brian Lumley