Deadspawn by Brian Lumley

But his warning remained with Karen and the Necroscope. How he could know what he had told them . . . who could say? But he was, or had been, The Dweller. And that was enough.

Time passed.

Sometimes they talked and at others they simply waited. There was nothing else to do. This time, seated before a fire in the aerie’s massive Great Hall, they talked. ‘Shaitan is part of my world’s legends, too,’ said Harry. ‘There they call him Satan, the Devil, whose place is in hell.’

‘In Starside’s histories your world was hell!’ Karen answered. ‘And all of its dwellers were devils. Dramal Doombody believed it firmly.’

Harry shook his head. ‘That the Wamphyri – monstrous as they were, and still are – should hold with beliefs in demons, devils and such,’ (again the shake of his head), ‘is hard to understand.’

She shrugged. ‘How so? Isn’t Hell simply the Unknown, any terrible place or region of which nothing is understood? To the Traveller tribes it lay across the mountains in Starside, while to the Wamphyri it waited on the other side of the sphere Gate. Certainly it must be horrible and lethal beyond that Gate, for no one had ever returned to tell of it. That was how the Wamphyri saw it. I saw it that way, too, in the days before Zek and Jazz, you and your son. And don’t forget, Harry, even the Wamphyri were once men. However monstrous a man may grow, still he’ll remember the night fears of his childhood.’

‘Shaitan,’ Harry mused. ‘A mystery spanning two worlds. The legend was taken into my world by banished Wamphyri Lords and occasionally their Traveller retainers when they were sent through Starside’s Gate.’ But in his own mind: Oh, really? Or is the so-called ‘legend’ more properly universal? The Great Evil, the Lord of Lies, of all wickedness? What of the similarity in the names . . .?

Satan, Shaitan? Are there devils in all the universes of light? And what of angels?

‘Better stop thinking of him as a legend,’ Karen warned, as if she’d been listening to his thoughts, which she had not. ‘The Dweller says he’s real and coming here, which means that in order to live we have to kill him. Except, if Shaitan has already lived for – how long? Two, three thousand years? – is it even reasonable to believe that we can kill him?’

Harry had scarcely heard her. He was still working things out. ‘How many of them?’ he finally asked. ‘Shaitan will be their leader, and Shaithis with him. But who else?’

‘Survivors from the battle at the garden,’ Karen answered. ‘If they also survived the Icelands.’

‘I remember.’ Harry nodded. ‘We’ve considered them before: Fess Ferenc, Volse Pinescu, Arkis Leperson and their thralls. No more than a handful. Or, if others of the Old Lords survived the ordeal of exile, a large handful.’ He drew himself up. ‘But I’m still the Necroscope. And again I say: can they come and go through the Möbius Continuum? Can they call up the dead out of their graves?’ (And once more, to himself: Can you, Harry? Can you?)

‘Shaitan may have the art,’ she answered. ‘For after all, he was the first of the Wamphyri. Since when, he’s had time enough for studying. It’s possible he can torment the dead for their secrets.’

‘But will they answer him?’ Harry growled, his eyes glowing like rubies in the firelight. ‘No, no, I didn’t mean necromancy but Necroscopy! A necromancer may “examine” a corpse or even a long-dead mummy, but I talk to the very spirits of the dead. And they love me; indeed, they’ll rise up from their dust for me . . .’ A lie. You even lie to yourself now. You are Wamphyri, Harry Keogh! Call up the dead? Ah, you used to, you used to.

He started to his feet: ‘I have to try,’ and went down to Starside’s foothills under the garden, where long ago he called up an army of mummied trogs to do battle with Wamphyri trogs. He talked to their spirits in his fashion, but only the wind out of the north answered him. He sensed that they were there and heard him, but they kept silent. They were at peace now; why should they join the Necroscope in his turmoil?

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Categories: Brian Lumley