Deadspawn by Brian Lumley

Now Shaithis could answer his ancestor’s inquiry, but he must do so carefully, with all of his effort concentrated on keeping his telepathic sendings private. To this end he made himself secure on a small ledge before answering: Shaitan, you almost gave me away then. Now tell me, how do we stray from the path? And how may I correct it? Also, you’d better tell me what to expect. I’ve no desire to end up pierced to the heart and drained off – like Volse Pinescu.

Fool! the other at once hissed. I thought we had had that out? If I wanted you dead you would be dead. I could send a creature even now to buffet you, all three, from the face of the cliff. Perhaps you’d fly and perhaps not. Whichever, you’d be depleted. And my creatures would find you and finish it. But I need you Shaithis – we need each other – and so you live. As for the others: I do not wish to damage them. I want them whole! Can’t you see what a fine pair of warriors Arkis and the Ferenc would make?

Shaitan’s words were so ominous he could only be speaking truth. He would not dare boast of such superiority unless he could deliver. It was in effect an ultimatum, even a threat: make up your mind, join me now or suffer the consequences.

In answer to which: Very well, said Shaithis, we work together. Tell me what to do.

Without pause Shaitan explained:

The leper’s son climbs too far towards the east, diagonally away from you. In his way lies an old unguarded lava-run which leads directly to my rooms at volcano’s core. If Arkis were to discover the mouth of this cave he could jeopardize my position; certainly my plans would require rapid and radical alteration.

An unguarded entrance? Careless of you.

My resources are not unlimited. No more talk. You must draw the others – especially Arkis – back towards you.

Very well, said Shaithis. And to the others, out loud: ‘Arkis, Fess, we’re too far apart – and I sense a problem to the east.’

Arkis at once secured himself in a lava-niche and peered out and about. ‘A problem?’ he blustered. ‘And close by, you say? Huh! I sense nothing.’ But his voice was full of nervous tension and his thoughts went this way and that.

The Ferenc, closer to Shaithis by some fifty feet, began to edge towards him. ‘Something has bothered me all along,’ he said. ‘I’ve had my suspicions, anyway. And you’re right, Shaithis: spread out like this we’re too easy to pick off.’

‘But I see and feel nothing!’ Arkis again protested, like a man whistling in the dark.

With a shrug in his voice, Shaithis called out to him: ‘Are you saying that your Wamphyri awareness is stronger than both of ours combined? Then by all means let’s test it out. Do as you will. Be the master of your own destiny. At least you were warned.’

That was enough; Arkis started climbing more to the left, bringing himself back into line on a course converging with the others. And not a moment too soon; for Shaithis, from his own position, had finally spotted the dark shadow of a cave to Arkis’s right and a little above him. By now the leper’s son would certainly have come across it.

In Shaithis’s mind the dark thoughts of his ancestor came a little easier. Good! The problem was not insurmountable, but the easy way is usually the best.

What now? Shaithis inquired of him.

Above you is a wide ledge formed of an earlier cone, Shaitan answered. When you strike it, move to the left, that is westward. Soon you will come across another lava-run; ignore it and carry on. The next entrance will seem like a mere crack occasioned as the rock cooled, but this is your route into the volcano. Except you should take up a position to the rear of the others! Do I make myself plain?

Shaithis shivered, perhaps a little from the numbing cold, which was beginning to bite even into his Wamphyri bones, but mainly at what was implied. For thoughts, like speech, often lend themselves to diverse interpretation, and certainly he’d detected the ominous ‘tone’ of the other’s slyly insinuating mental voice. Yes, and he’d known that the depth of Shaitan’s thoughts did not bear plumbing. It was strange to be Wamphyri and yet feel something of awe at the implied evil in another’s scheming.

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Categories: Brian Lumley