Deadspawn by Brian Lumley

‘I have said he sensed it “in his way”. Your son is a wolf now, Necroscope, with a wolf’s senses and instincts. Across all the leagues he could smell them on the winds out of the north, see them riding in the auroras, hear them whispering and plotting. Plotting their return and their revenge, aye!

‘Their revenge, Harry: on The Dweller and his people, on me, on any and all who had helped defeat them, destroy their aeries and banish them into the great cold. Which is to say, on you, too. Except, of course, you were not here at that time. There was only The Dweller and myself. And going the way he was … it would not be long before I was alone.

‘I asked him what must be done.

‘”We must set guards,” he told me, “out there in the cold waste, to look north and report back on any curious incursions from the Icelands.”


‘”You must make them,” he said. “Are you not Wamphyri and Dramal Doombody’s rightful heir? Didn’t he show you how?”

‘”Indeed, I know how to make creatures,” I told him.

‘”Then do it!” he barked. “Make warriors, but make them male and female. Make them so they can make themselves!”

‘”Self-reproducing?” The very idea made me gasp. “But that is forbidden! Even the worst of the old Wamphyri Lords would never have dared . . . would not even consider – ”

‘” – Which is why you must do it!” He was forceful. “Aye, for it will save you time at the vats. Make them so they can live and breed on the ice, and feed themselves on the great fishes which live under the ice. But build them with a safety device: only three whelps to a pair, and all males. After that, they’ll die out soon enough. But not until they’ve reported whatever it is that threatens – and done battle with it when it comes rumbling out of the north!”‘

Karen shrugged. ‘Your son had great wisdom, Necroscope. He knew good from evil, and knew the source of the worst possible evil. But his humanity was failing fast: he knew that when the time came he would not be able to help me, and so he would help me now, with good advice. I thought it was good, anyway.’

‘And in the Icelands?’ Harry queried. ‘Shaithis? Is it him?’

Karen shuddered. ‘None other. And not alone.’


She grasped his arm. ‘Do you remember that time at the garden? The fire and thunder; the gas beasts exploding in the sky and raining their guts down on everything; the screams of trogs and Travellers when Wamphyri Lords and lieutenants came strutting with their gauntlets dripping red?’

Harry nodded. ‘I remember all of that: also how we seared them with The Dweller’s lamps, blinded their flyers, set your warriors against theirs, and finally reduced them to vile evaporation with rays from the sun itself!’

‘But not all of them,’ she said. ‘And Shaithis was only one of the survivors.’

‘Who else?’

‘The giant Fess Ferenc and the hideous Volse Pinescu; also Arkis Leperson, plus several lieutenants and thralls. None of these were accounted for in the fighting. We must assume they fled north after discovering their aeries shattered and tumbled down to the plain.’

The Necroscope breathed a sigh of relief. ‘No more than a handful, then.’

She shook her head. ‘Shaithis on his own would be more than a handful, Harry. Not then, when we had your son and his army to side with, but now, when we have only survivors. And what of all the other Lords banished and driven into the Icelands throughout Wamphyri history? What if they have survived, too? Prior to the battle in the garden, all such went singly, slinking, never in a group. Or they might be allowed to take a woman and the odd thrall with them. Perhaps Shaithis and the others have found them and organized them into a small army. But could any army of the Wamphyri ever be said to be small?’

‘It could be worse than that,’ Harry gloomed at her. ‘If they took women with them – if they could live with the unending cold – why shouldn’t they breed like your warriors? Let’s face it, we don’t even know what the Icelands are like. Maybe the only thing that kept Icelanders from invading all of this time was the fact that the Old Wamphyri were stronger! But now . . . there are no “Old” Wamphyri. Only us, the “new” Wamphyri.’

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Categories: Brian Lumley