Debt Of Honor by Clancy, Tom

It was just that such ideas only worked once, and European investors weren’t

buying. They were bailing out. It came as a relief when people started buy-

ing up stocks at absurdly low prices, and they were even grateful that the

purchases were being made in yen, whose strength had reasserted itself, the

only bright light on the international financial scene.

“You mean,” Robberton said, opening the basement door to the West

Wing. “You mean to tell me that it’s that screwed up?”

“Paul, you think you’re smart?” Jack asked. The question took the Secret

Service man aback a little.

“Yeah, I do. So?”

“So why do you suppose that anybody else is smarter than you are?

They’re not, Paul,” Ryan went on. “They have a different job, but it isn’t

about brains. It’s about education and experience. Those people don’t know

crap about running a criminal investigation. Neither do I. Every tough job

requires brains, Paul. But you can’t know them all. Anyway, bottom line,

okay? No, they’re not any smarter than you, and maybe not as smart as you.

It’s just that it’s their job to run the financial markets, and your job to do

something else.”

“Jesus,” Robberton breathed, dropping Ryan off at his office door. His

secretary handed off a fistful of phone notes on his way in. One was marked

Urgent! and Ryan called the number.

“That you, Ryan?”

“Correct, Mr. Winston. You want to see me. When?” Jack asked, open-

ing his briefcase and pulling the classified things out.

“Anytime, starting ninety minutes from now. I have a car waiting down-

stairs, a Gulfstream with warm motors, a car waiting at D.C. National.” His

voice said the rest. It was urgent, and no-shit serious. On top of that came

Winston’s reputation.

“I presume it’s about last Friday.”


“Why me and not Secretary Fiedler?” Ryan woiuk-tvd.

“You’ve worked there. He hasn’t. If you want him to MI in on it, line

He’ll get it. I think you’ll get it faster. Have you been following tlu- (manual

news this morning?”

“It sounds like Europe’s getting squirrelly on us.”

“And it’s just going to get worse,” Winston said. And he was piohuMy

right. Jack knew.

“You know how to fix it?” Ryan could almost hear the head at the other

end shake in anger and disgust.

“I wish. But maybe I can tell you what really happened.”

“I’ll settle for that. Come down as quick as you want,” Jack told him.

“Tell the driver West Executive Drive. The uniformed guards will be ex-

pecting you at the gate.”

“Thanks for listening, Dr. Ryan.” The line clicked off, and Jack won-

dered how long it had been since the last time George Winston had said that

to anyone. Then he got down to his work for the day.

The one good thing was that the railcars used to transport the “H-i i” boost-

ers from the assembly plant to wherever were standard gauge. That ac-

counted for only about 8 percent of Japanese trackage and was, moreover,

something discernible from satellite photographs. The Central Intelligence

Agency was in the business of accumulating information, most of which

would never have any practical use, and most of which, despite all manner of

books and movies to the contrary, came from open-source material. It was

just a matter of finding a railway map of Japan to see where all the standard-

gauge trackage was and starting from there, but there were now over two

thousand miles of such trackage, and the weather over Japan was not always

clear, and the satellites were not always directly overhead, the better to see

into valleys that littered a country composed largely of volcanic mountains.

But it was also a task with which the Agency was familiar. The Russians,

with their genius and mania for concealing everything, had taught CIA’s

analysts the hard way to look for the unlikely spots first of all. An open plain,

for example, was a likely spot, easy to approach, easy to build, easy to ser-

vice, and easy to protect. That was how America had done it in the 19605,

banking incorrectly on the hope that missiles would never become accurate

enough to hit such small, rugged point targets. Japan would have learned

from that lesson. Therefore, the analysts had to look for the difficult places.

Woods, valleys, hills, and the very selectivity of the task ensured that it

would require time. Two updated KH-n photosatellites were in orbit, and

one KH-I2 radar-imaging satellite. The former could resolve objects down

to the size of a cigarette pack. The latter produced a monochrome image of

far less resolution, but could see through clouds, and, under favorable cir-



cumstances, could actually penetrate the ground, down to as much as ten

meters; in fact it had been developed for the purpose of locating otherwise

invisible Soviet missile silos and similarly camouflaged installations.

That was the good news. The bad news was that each individual frame of

imagery had to be examined by a team of experts, one at a time; that every

irregularity or curiosity had to be reexamined and graded; that the time in-

volved despite-indeed, because of-the urgency of the task was immense.

Analysts from the CIA, the National Reconnaissance Office, and the Intelli-

gence and Threat Analysis Center (I-TAC) were grouped together for the

task, looking for twenty holes in the ground, knowing nothing other than the

fact that the individual holes could be no less than five meters across. There

could be one large group of twenty, or twenty individual and widely sepa-

rated holes. The first task, all agreed, was to get new imagery of the whole

length of standard-gauge rails. Weather and camera angles impeded some of

that task, and now on the third day of the hunt, 20 percent of the needed

mapping still remained undone. Already thirty potential sites had been iden-

tified for further scrutiny from new passes at slightly different light levels

and camera angles which would allow stereo-optic viewing and additional

computer enhancement. People on the analysis team were talking again

about the 1991 Scud-hunts. It was not a pleasant memory for them. Though

many lessons had been learned, the main one was this: it wasn’t really all

that hard to hide one or ten or twenty or even a hundred relatively small

objects within the borders of a nation-state, even a very open, very flat one.

And Japan was neither. Under the circumstances, finding all of them was a

nearly impossible task. But they had to try anyway.

It was eleven at night, and his duties to his ancestors were done for the mo-

ment. They would never be fully carried out, but the promises to their spirits

he’d made so many years before were now accomplished. What had been

Japanese soil at the time of his birth was now again Japanese soil. What had

been his family’s land was now again his family’s land. The nation that had

humbled his nation and murdered his family had finally been humbled, and

would remain so for a long, long time. Long enough to assure his country’s

position, finally, among the great nations of the world.

In fact, even greater than he’d planned, he noted. All he had to do was

look at the financial reports coming into his hotel suite via facsimile printer.

The financial panic he’d planned and executed was now moving across the

Atlantic. Amazing, he thought, that he hadn’t anticipated it. The complex

financial maneuvers had left Japanese banks and businesses suddenly cash-

rich, and his fellow zaibatsu were seizing the opportunity to buy up Euro-

pean equities for themselves and their companies. They’d increase the

national wealth, improve their position in the various European national

economies, and publicly appear to be springing to the assistance of others.

1)1 HI 01 HONOR 4/.j

Yumulu judged thai Japan would bend some efforts to hol|> IIIHIIH- mil ol lu-i

predicament. His country needed markets alter all, and with tin- siultlni in

crease in Japanese ownership of their private companies, |K-ihaps now I uiu

pean politicians would listen more attentively to their su^oslionv Noi

certain, he thought, but possible. What they would definitely listen lo was

power. Japan was facing down America. America would never Ix- ahle to

confront his country, not with her economy in turmoil, her military do

fanged, and her President politically crippled. And it was an election year as

well. The finest strategy, Yamata thought, was to sow discord in the house of

your enemy. That he had done, taking the one action that had simply not

occurred to the bonehead military people who’d led his country down the

path of ruin in 1941.

“So,” he said to his host. “How may I be of service?”

“Yamata-san, as you know, we will be holding elections for a local gov-

ernor.” The bureaucrat poured a stiff shot of a fine Scotch whiskey. “You

are a landowner, and have been so for some months. You have business in-

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Categories: Clancy, Tom