Debt Of Honor by Clancy, Tom

Ing papers were, and sipping a U.S. Air Force Coca-Cola. Wishing he’d

changed into his good suit, and remembering that he had deliberately de-

cided not to do so. Stupid, beneath himself. Flight time of forty-seven min-

ute*, and a direct approach into Andrews. The only thing they left out was

the helicopter ride in from Andrews, but that would only have attracted at-

tention. Met by a deferential Air Force major who’d walked him over to a

cheap official car and a quiet driver, Ryan settled back in his seat and closed

hi* eyes while the major took the front seat. He tried to nap. He’d seen Suit-

land Parkway before, and knew the route by heart. Suitland Parkway to

1-295, immediately off that and onto 1-395, take the Maine Avenue Exit. The

time of day, just after lunch, guaranteed rapid progress, and sure enough, the

car stopped at the guard shack on West Executive Drive, where the guard,

most unusually, just waved them through. The canopied entrance to the

White House basement level beckoned, as did a familiar face.

“Hi, Arnie.” Jack held his hand out to the President’s chief of staff. Ar-

nold van Damm was just too good, and Roger Durling had needed him to

help with the transition. Soon enough President Durling had measured his

senior staffer against Arnie, and found his own man wanting. He hadn’t

changed much, Ryan saw. The same L. L. Bean shirts, and the same rough

honesty on his face, but Arnie was older and tireder than before. Well, who

wasn’t? “The last time we talked here, you were kicking me loose,” Jack

Raid next, to get a quick read on the situation.

” We all make mistakes, Jack.”

Uh-oh. Ryan went instantly on guard, but the handshake pulled him

through the door anyway. The Secret Service agents on post had a pass all

ready for him, and things went smoothly until he set off the metal detector.

Ryan handed over his hotel room key and tried again, hearing yet another

ping. The only other metal on his body except for his watch turned out to be

his divot tool.

“When did you lake up golf.'” van Damni asked with a chuckle that

matched the expression of the nearest agent.

“Nice to know you haven’t been following me around. Two months, and

I haven’t broken one-ten yet.”

The chief of staff waved Ryan to the hidden stairs to the left. “You know

why they call it ‘golf’?”

“Yeah, because ‘shit’ was already taken.” Ryan stopped on the landing.

“What gives, Arnie?”

“I think you know,” was all the answer he got.

“Hello, Dr. Ryan!” Special Agent Helen D’Agustino was as pretty as

ever, and still part of the Presidential Detail. “Please come with me.”

The presidency is not a job calculated to bring youth to a man. Roger

Durling had once been a paratrooper who’d climbed hills in the Central

Highlands of Vietnam, he was still a jogger, and reportedly liked to play

squash to keep fit, but for all that he looked a weary man this afternoon.

More to the point, Jack reflected quickly, he’d come straight in to see the

President, no waiting in one of the many anterooms, and the smiles on the

faces he’d seen on the way in carried a message of their own. Durling rose

with a speed intended to show his pleasure at seeing his guest. Or maybe

something else.

‘ ‘How’s the brokerage business, Jack?” The handshake that accompanied

the question was dry and hard, but with an urgency to it.

“It keeps me busy, Mr. President.”

‘ ‘Not too busy. Golf in West Virginia?” Durling asked, waving Ryan to a

seat by the fireplace. “That’ll be all,” he told the two Secret Service agents

who’d followed Ryan in. “Thank you.”

“My newest vice, sir,” Ryan said, hearing the door close behind him. It

was unusual to be so close to the Chief Executive without the protective

presence of Secret Service guards, especially since he had been so long out

of government service.

Durling took his seat, and leaned back into it. His body language showed

vigor, the kind that emanated from the mind rather than the body. It was time

to talk business. “I could say I’m sorry to interrupt your vacation, but I

won’t,” the President of the United States told him. “You’ve had a two-year

vacation, Dr. Ryan. It’s over now.”

Two years. For the first two months of it, he’d done exactly nothing, pon-

dered a few teaching posts in the sanctity of his study, watched his wife

leave early every morning for her medical practice at Johns Hopkins, fixed

the kids’ school lunches and told himself how wonderful it was to relax. It

had taken those two months before he’d admitted to himself that the absence

of activity was more stressful than anything he’d ever done. OHy three inter-

views had landed him a job back in the investment business, enabled him to

race his wife out of the house each morning, and bitch about the pace-and

just maybe prevent himself from going insane. Along the way he’d made

M»mc money, hut even that, he admitted to himself, had begun to pall. He

Mill hadn’t found his place, and wondered if he ever really would.

“Mr. President, the draft ended a lot of years ago,” Jack offered with a

miiilc. It was a flippant observation, and one he was ashamed of even as he

MIK! it.

“You’ve said ‘no’ to your country once.” The rebuke put an end to the

Mniles. Was Durling that stressed-out? Well, he had every right to be, and

with the stress had come impatience, which was surprising in a man whose

main function for the public was being pleasant and reassuring. But Ryan

was not part of the public, was he?

“Sir, I was burned out then. I don’t think I would have been-”

“Fine. I’ve seen your file, all of it,” Durling added. “I even know that I

might not be here now except for what you did down in Colombia a few

years ago. You’ve served your country well, Dr. Ryan, and now you’ve had

your time off, and you’ve played the money game some more-rather well,

II would seem-and now it’s time to come back.”

“What post, sir?” Jack asked.

“Down the hall and around the corner. The last few residents haven’t dis-

tinguished themselves there,” Durling noted. Cutter and Elliot had been bad

enough. Durling’s own National Security Advisor had simply not been up to

the task. His name was Tom Loch, and he was on the way out, the morning

puper had told Ryan. It would seem that the press had it right for once. “I’m

not going to beat around the bush. We need you. I need you.”

“Mr. President, that’s a very flattering statement, but the truth of the mat-


‘ ‘The truth of the matter is that I have too much of a domestic agenda, and

the day only has twenty-four hours, and my administration has fumbled the

hall too many times. In the process we have not served the country as well as

we should have. I can’t say that anywhere but inside this room, but I can and

must say it here. State is weak. Defense is weak.”

“Fiedler in Treasury is excellent,” Ryan allowed. “And if you want ad-

vice about State, move Scott Adler up. He’s young, but he’s very good on

process and pretty good on vision.”

“Not without good oversight from this building, and I don’t have the time

for that. I will pass your approbation on to Buzz Fiedler,” Durling added

with a smile.

“He’s a brilliant technician, and that’s what you need across the street. If

you’re going to catch the inflation, for God’s sake, do it now-”

“And take the political heat,” Durling said. “That’s exactly what his or-

ders are. Protect the dollar and hammer inflation down to zero. I think he can

do it. The initial signs are promising.”

Ryan nodded. “I think you’re right.” Okay, get on with it.

Durling handed over the briefing book. “Read.”

“Yes, sir.” Jack flipped open the binder’s cover, and kept flipping past

llii1 usual stiff pages that warned of all manner of legal sanctions for reveal-

ing what he was about to read. As usual, the information United States Code

protected wasn’t all that different from what any citizen could get in Time,

but it wasn’t as well written. His right hand reached out for a coffee cup,

annoyingly not the handleless mug he preferred. The White House china was

long on elegance but short on practicality. Coming here was always like vis-

iting a particularly rich boss. So many of the appointments were just a little


“I know about some of this, but I didn’t know it was this … interesting,”

Jack murmured.

” ‘Interesting’?” Durling replied with an unseen smile. “That’s a nice

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Categories: Clancy, Tom