Debt Of Honor by Clancy, Tom

kets, but they had crippled the American fleet, and they had occupied llu-

islands, and America did not have the ability to storm even one of the Maria

nas, and America did not have the political will to launch a nuclear attack on

his country. Therefore they were still ahead of the game. Was it to be ex

pected that America would not fight back somewhat? Of course not. Yaniaia

lifted his TV controller and switched it on, catching the beginning o! a (‘NN

Headline News broadcast, and there was the American corrcxpnmlcni.

standing right on the edge of some dock or other, and there behind lu-i wore

two American carriers, still in their docks, still unable to do anything.

“What does intelligence tell us about the Indian Ocean?” he asked the


“The two American carriers are still there,” Arima assured him. “They

were seen both visually and on radar yesterday, within (bur hundred kilome-

ters of Sri Lanka.”

“Then they cannot really hurt us, can they?”

“Well, no, really ihcy cannot.” the (ieneral udmittcd. “But we must

make oihci urrun^cincnts.”

” UWM I suggest you make them, Arima-san,” Yamata replied in a voice

MI (Millie us to constitute a stinging insult.

HIT WHIM pun was not knowing what had happened. The data links from

the llnrc ilrad Kami aircraft had ended with the elimination of -Two. All

OK- iril nl then information was inferred rather than actually known.

(imiind l>n*r

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Categories: Clancy, Tom