DEVIL’S EMBRACE by Catherine Coulter

Edward squinted while his eyes adjusted to the bright sunlit room. The long curtains were opened wide to the morning sun, which was enough to warm the room pleasantly.

“Good morning, sir.” Edward saluted General Howe smartly. “I received your message.”

General Howe rose from his chair and Edward saw that the man whose mercurial humors left many of his officers quaking in their boots appeared jovial today. Indeed, a deep smile promptly indented his heavily jowled cheeks.

“I have a surprise for you, my boy.” Again that beaming smile.

“You have changed your campaign plans, sir?”

General Howe’s smile disappeared. “That discussion, Captain, is closed. Accustom yourself, sir, to remaining in New York. You and Major Andre will have the important assignment of keeping General Clinton within the ropes, so to speak, when we finally have a change in command. No,” he continued, his good humor restored, “I asked you here for a very different reason. Captain Crowley, allow me to introduce you to Captain Lord Delford, one of my finest officers.”

Edward turned to see a man emerge from the far corner of the large sitting room. He was of the general’s age, and heavyset like him, but dressed in a naval officer’s ornate blue and white uniform.

Somewhat surprised, Edward extended his hand. “My pleasure, Captain Crowley.” He turned again to General Howe, his brows raised in question.

“Captain Crowley has just arrived from Boston, early this morning, on his majesty’s frigate, The York.”

Edward sensed that he was being studied closely, and he stiffened.

“You are Viscount Delford?”

Captain Crowley’s deep voice was oddly assessing. Edward’s gaze was locked by the man’s cold gray eyes.

“I have that honor, sir.”

What the devil is this about, he wondered, shifting his weight to his sound leg.

“I believe, my lord,” Captain Crowley said, his gaze flickering briefly toward General Howe, “that you will indeed be pleased at the surprise General Howe spoke about.”

“Surprise, sir?”

“Aye, my lord. And I have personally escorted her from Genoa.”

Edward thought the world, or the captain, had taken a faulty turn.

A door opened at the far end of the sitting room.

“Your wife, my lord, returned to you safe and sound.”

“My what?”

Edward’s question hung unanswered. “No,” he whispered, his face draining of color. She was an apparition, some cruel jest played upon him by his mind. She stood very quietly, watching him. Edward took in her long thick golden hair, her exquisitely slender figure, and her deep blue eyes upon him, holding gentle affection.

“Cassie?” He was shaking his head even as he uttered her name.

“Yes, Edward, it is I.”

“But you are dead; it cannot be.” He groped for the chair beside him. “My God—Cassie?”

General Howe and Captain Crowley ceased to exist for him. Edward took a stumbling step toward her, his eyes locked upon her, as if to prevent her image from vanishing. Numbly, he stretched out his hand.

Cassie gazed mutely at Edward. He looked striking and elegant in his scarlet and cream uniform, his brown hair powdered as white as the cravat around his throat. His deeply tanned face looked older than she remembered, and his bright hazel eyes were incredulous. When he reached out his hand to her, her throat closed on a mighty sob. She dashed toward him and flung herself into his arms.

“Edward, my dear Edward.”

“Cassie, oh my God, I thought I had lost you.” He whispered her name again and again, and clutched her tightly against his chest. He pushed her away from him and stroked her hair and her cheeks, still repeating her name.

Vaguely, Cassie heard Captain Crowley’s deep, pinched voice. “Well, General, it would appear that I have executed my most pleasant mission in this wretched rebellion. As to the viscount’s taking good care of my cargo, my mind is now at ease.”

Cassie gently freed herself from Edward’s arms.

“I must leave you now, viscountess. Although our voyage had its interesting moments, I am pleased to have delivered you sound as a roast to your husband.”

Edward showed no surprise at the captain speaking of him as Cassie’s husband. Indeed, it scarcely penetrated his mind. He clasped Captain Crowley’s large hand and pumped it.

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Categories: Catherine Coulter