DEVIL’S EMBRACE by Catherine Coulter

His mouth caressed her breast, and she felt both her body and her will to resist him begin to slip away from her. She cursed herself, willing herself to fight him, but her hands lay limply above her head, clasped lightly in his.

He reared back and her body cried out at the loss of his touch. She drew a ragged breath, and curled her hands, now free, into fists to strike him. She felt his tongue caressing her breasts and then her belly.

“No,” she said, forcing her body to tense. But his mouth closed over her, and she knew that she could not bear it if he were to stop. She felt her body opening to him, felt her hips moving upward against his mouth. Her hands closed over his shoulders, kneading the taut muscles, pressing at him to bring him closer to her.

Suddenly, with a force that left her gasping, a shock of burning pleasure exploded within her. His mouth left her, but the burning need remained, and she was trapped within herself, within her own passion. She moaned aloud, not really understanding, a helpless cry of frustration.

When he drove into her, her body surged to meet him. She felt his belly against her, felt him driving into the depths of her. Her hands moved down his back, urging him, drawing him closer. She was aware of his ragged breathing above her cries. A jagged moan broke from her throat and she cried breathlessly, “Please, oh please.” Her hips thrust up against him and her legs, without instruction, wrapped themselves about his sides.

Suddenly, her legs stiffened as incredible spasms of pleasure crashed through her, holding her a willing prisoner for an endless moment. She cried aloud, unable to help herself. She felt his hot breath against her cheek, and then his mouth closed over hers and a tremendous shudder passed the length of him. He moaned his release into her mouth.

Cassie lay quietly beneath him, thinking nothing, wanting nothing. She was breathing heavily, between parted lips, and felt her heart finally slow its furious pounding.

“I don’t want to crush you, Cassandra,” the earl said, and slid his arms beneath her back. He rolled onto his side, bringing her with him, and clasped her tightly against him. He gently stroked her tumbled hair as she lay slack, soothing her, comforting her. He lightly kissed her temple and stroked her. He drew a deep, relieved breath, a slight smile touching his lips. She was capable of passion that rivaled his own. He wanted to tell her that she had brought him to consummate pleasure. He held his tongue, unwilling to risk her struggling away from him. The smile on his lips became rueful. She would likely yell at him like a fish-monger’s wife on the morrow; her intense pride would force her to. She would see passion at his hands as submission to him. He did not mind that, for now; he was confident now that he would make her forget her viscount. His fingers curled around her buttocks, lightly caressing, and he heard her sob softly, deep in her throat. He drew back so that he could see her face.

Tears were welling in her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. “I have betrayed him. God, I have betrayed him.”

He drew her closer and stroked his cheek against hers, wiping away her tears.

“No, Cassandra,” he said, his mouth next to hers, “it is not for you to cry. You have betrayed no one. You must believe that.”

She drew another sob and he kissed her ear, her smooth cheek, and gently nudged back her head until his mouth found hers. He tasted the salt of her tears upon her lips. To his delight, she made no move to pull away from him. Though she kept her lips tightly locked, he felt her quicken. He grew hard again and he felt himself filling her once more. His fingers moved over her, lightly teasing, and her soft belly trembled against him. He pressed his mouth more firmly against hers.

“Please, no,” Cassie whispered, only to feel his tongue smooth over her mouth. He was moving slowly, deep within her, his hand cupping her hips to press her against him. She drew a deep breath, and slowly, inevitably, she let herself move against his thrusts.

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Categories: Catherine Coulter