DEVIL’S EMBRACE by Catherine Coulter

“I would that you be quiet.”

He laughed and stepped from the tub, huge and dark and dripping wet. “Would you care to hand me a towel?”

“Fetch it yourself, my lord.”

“Would you care for some more wine, Cassandra?”

Her hair swirled softly against her cheek as she shook her head.

“Shall I peel an orange for you?”

“No, I am quite full, my lord.”

“Excellent. I am delighted that my chef has again pleased you.” He paused a moment, and added softly, “And now it is time for me to show you that I, too, can please you.”

“You will not, you must not.” She pressed herself flat against her chair.

“Ah, yes, my love,” he said, and rose to pull at the bell cord.

Her weariness fled, and she slipped nimbly out of her chair. Instead of fear, she felt numb with anger.

“Damn you, you cannot be such a villain.”

There came a knock on the cabin door, and Scargill entered.

“All was as you wished it, my lord?” he asked carefully. He was acutely aware of the shrinking girl cowering in the corner and did his best to ignore her.

“Most admirable, given the storm and its constraints in the galley. You are much in need of your rest, Scargill. Remove the dishes and take yourself to bed.”

“Aye, my lord. Is there aught else that you wish?” A foolish question, he thought, as he followed his master’s eyes toward Cassandra. She looked like a skittish filly, ready to bolt if but given the chance. He prayed that his lordship knew well what he was doing. He filled his arms with the heavy pewter dishes and bowed himself out of the cabin, straining under their weight.

The earl leaned back in his chair and tapped his fingertips thoughtfully together. “At least you are not wearing that damnable gown.”

“You will not touch me, my lord.”

“I fear you are growing repetitious, Cassandra, in your conversation. How else will you learn a woman’s pleasure if I do not touch you?”

“I will never feel anything but hatred for you, I swear it. Damn you, take me home.”

He waved away her words and rose.

“No.” She thrust her hands in front of her, but he pulled her to him, crushing her arms to her sides. She jerked her head away from him, but his mouth found hers, the heat of his breath upon her as he forced her lips to part. She struggled as she felt his hand upon her buttocks, his fingers caressing and exploring her through the velvet.

“No!” she yelled again as his mouth left hers. But his mouth was on her throat, his tongue tracing over her wildly beating pulse.

Even as she twisted against his arm, she felt his fingers pulling free the sash from her waist and easing her out of the dressing gown. She was oddly aware of the soft brief touch of velvet at her ankles. She shuddered at the cold air upon her back, and the fierce heat of him against her. She had scarce time to draw her breath before he had shrugged off his own dressing gown. To her horror, he lifted her off her feet and pressed her belly against him.

“No. You will not rape me again.” Her final words were muted as he closed his mouth again over hers. She felt his tongue probing her mouth and the incredible power of his surging body, searing her, engulfing her in his passion. Her mind froze and her body went slack against him. An intense shudder coursed through her belly. She whimpered softly, aghast at herself.

“I don’t believe that I will, Cassandra,” he said. He looked into her eyes, glazed with confusion and with burgeoning passion. He wanted her to moan her desire into his mouth, to welcome him into her body.

“Please do not,” she whispered, but he paid no heed and carried her to the bed. She felt the smooth, cool cover beneath her back, and his hard body against her as he pressed himself down upon her. She felt the hair on his chest against her breasts, and his swelled sex, frightening and urgent, between her thighs. She thought wildly of Edward, of his love for her, of his passion, and an anguished moan broke from her mouth. Whether it was from the pain of her loss or from the scalding sensation building within her, she did not know. She realized dimly what was happening to her and she fought with all her will to deny herself and him.

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Categories: Catherine Coulter