DEVIL’S EMBRACE by Catherine Coulter

“My deepest thanks, Captain. There is no way I can repay you, except to assure you that we are both profoundly grateful.”

“And I too, Captain,” General Howe said. “I am certain, my boy, that we can rub along without your presence for say a week.”

Edward nodded, so clearly befuddled that General Howe guffawed.

Captain Crowley’s cold gray eyes rested upon Cassie for some moments, and softened.

“Good-bye, Captain, and thank you.”

“Take care, viscountess, and strive not to get yourself lost again from your husband. I am not always to be found in odd parts of the world, you know.”

“I shall, Captain.” Cassie stood on her tiptoes and kissed the Captain’s cheek. “Do give my thanks again to Mr. Thompson. Both of you were exceedingly kind to me.”

Captain Crowley, as if embarrassed by her show of affection, merely nodded, saluted smartly to General Howe, and took his leave. There was suddenly silence, broken only by the sound of his retreating footsteps, amazingly crisp and controlled despite his great weight. Edward was gripping Cassie’s hand tightly, so tightly that she winced.

“I trust your lodgings are suitable for your lady wife, my boy?”

“Indeed they are, sir.”

“Then off with you both. I trust you will find sufficient to occupy your time.” He paused a moment, and when he spoke again, his voice was strangely sad, for he knew that Edward would now not long remain in New York. “At least you have gained from this wretched rebellion, Edward. When all is said and done, the rebels may have their way. I will look forward to seeing both you and your lovely wife in England some day, I hope not too long distant.”

“Yes, sir,” Edward said only. Unlike General Howe, he had not yet realized that the strife in these colonies would soon be an ocean away from him.

“Off with you now, my boy, I have much to do. Goodbye, my lady. Keep that husband of yours away from Staten Island. I don’t want him stuck again with a rebel sword.”

Cassie bent her knee in a slight curtsy and allowed Edward to lead her from the room. She could feel the tension in his hand as he escorted her through the outer rooms to the entrance hall.

“So this is your wife, Edward.”

“It seems that I was the last to know, damn you, John. Cassie, this is Major Andre, aide to General Clinton.”

“A great honor, my lady.” Major Andre lifted Cassie’s hand and lightly kissed her wrist. She regarded the slightly built officer, and knew him immediately to be a charmer with the ladies. His pale blue eyes held warmth and interest, and his genuine smile was a pleasure to behold.

“Thank you, Major Andre.”

“Now, Edward, don’t get on your high-ropes. Old Howe himself said you weren’t to be told.” He added in a pensive tone, “I hope this doesn’t mean I won’t be seeing much of you anymore, old man.”

“Of course you will.” A faint smile turned up the corners of Edward’s mouth. “Well, perhaps not in the next few days.”

“Aye, that’s as it should be. Perhaps I will let the captain find me a wife on his next voyage. I’d say that he did a superb job for you.” He gazed at Cassie with undisguised approval. What a lovely girl she was, her ample woman’s charms ill-disguised by the light yellow muslin gown. And that glorious hair. It had amazed him to learn that Edward had been married, but then, Edward wasn’t much of a lover of society. Perhaps believing such a woman to be dead was reason enough for his aloofness. He wondered if Edward’s beautiful viscountess would change her husband’s hermetic habits.

Edward, who knew Major Andre’s thinking well, since he usually spoke his assessments of women aloud, pulled Cassie gently to him. “I am certain you have much to do, John.”

“Yes, I believe that I do.” Major Andre turned to Cassie. “Welcome to New York, my lady. I do not believe that society will allow Edward to keep you to himself. Adieu, Edward, for a couple of days!” Major Andre gave Edward a jaunty salute and turned away.

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Categories: Catherine Coulter