DEVIL’S EMBRACE by Catherine Coulter

“What do you know of seduction, Miss?”

“If you will kiss me again, I daresay that I shall come by it quite naturally.”

There was a woman’s smile on her face, and Edward’s honorable intentions crumbled. He pulled her roughly against him and kissed her temples, the tip of her straight nose, the hollow of her throat. His lips touched hers, featherlight. “Part your lips, love.”

She obeyed him willingly. His hands cupped her hips as he explored her mouth, lifting her off the ground to press her against him.

Through her gown and petticoats, Cassie felt the fierce hardness of him. She had seen animals mate and knew that when men and women coupled, men entered women’s bodies. She felt an almost painful ache building between her thighs and realized that she wanted more than anything to feel Edward naked against her, caressing her, making himself a part of her. She dug her fingers into his back and pressed her body so tightly against him that she could feel his heartbeat against her breasts.

She gave a cry of frustrated disappointment when he abruptly pulled her away from him.

“Enough, Cass,” he said harshly. “No, don’t argue with me. I refuse to be seduced by a slip of a girl who supposedly knows nothing about it. Come, let me escort you to Hemphill Hall.”

Chapter 2

Cassie drew Edward up the wide front steps of Hemphill Hall and thrust open the door, nearly toppling Menkle, the Brougham butler.

“Menkle, look who is home, finally. And to stay.”

Menkle forgot his dignity and bestowed a toothful smile upon the viscount. “Welcome home, my lord.”

“Thank you, Menkle.”

“Where is Eliott, Menkle?”

“In the library, Miss Cassie, reviewing the account ledgers, I believe.”

Cassie laughed. “Poor Eliott, I’ll wager he is muttering to himself and tugging his hair. Guilder was here all morning—our agent, you know—and left Eliott frantically toting up columns of numbers. He will be pleased to be rescued, Edward.”

Eliott Brougham, fourth Baron Tinnsdale, was in fact staring past his account books out over the east lawn, a young lady in his thoughts. He started guiltily every few minutes and forced his attention back to his task. He looked up, startled, as Cassie burst unceremoniously into the library.

“Close your books, my love, for I’ve a surprise for you.”

“What, Cass, you’ve finally caught that large sea bass for my dinner?”

“It’s not a fish, Eliott, but I trust that I have finally caught him.”

“Edward. Good God, man, it’s been ages.” Eliott quickly rose to shake Edward Lyndhurst’s outstretched hand.

“I trust we do not disturb you, Eliott. This madcap sister of yours dragged me in here without a by-your-leave.” He has become a man, Edward thought, gazing at Cassie’s brother. Though he had the same open, smiling face, three years had added firmness to his jaw, and his light blue eyes seemed to hold widened experience, if not wisdom.

“I am quite used to her bursting in upon me.” Eliott laughed. “I am only safe when I am taking my bath.”

“Edward is home to stay, Eliott,” Cassie said, tugging at her brother’s sleeve, “forever.”

“Oh?” Eliott said carefully, his eyes upon Edward’s face.

“As Cass said, Eliott, she’s finally caught me,” Edward said blandly.

“He kissed me, Eliott. Would you not say that he has compromised me irrevocably? He must now do the honorable thing.”

“I think what he should do first, Cass, is join us in a glass of sherry. Despite all your letters, Captain Lord Delford, I vow we have a good deal of catching up to do.”

“Your letters were so terribly military, Edward,” Cassie said by way of explanation, “that I saw no reason for Eliott not to read them. There was only one that I did not show him, for he would have been obliged to call you out.”

“To your safe return home, Edward,” Eliott said as he clicked his sherry glass to Edward’s, then to his sister’s.

“To a new beginning,” Cassie said.

“To a continuation of a long ago beginning,” Edward said.

“Let us sit down,” Eliott said. He had often wondered if Cassie’s lifelong infatuation for Edward would endure into adulthood, but as he watched them, he could not doubt that it had. He saw their eyes meet, and although they made no move to touch each other, they might as well have been locked together.

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Categories: Catherine Coulter