Gemmell, David – Morningstar

‘Can you still hear me, Cataplas?’ she whispered.

‘I can, my lady.’ His voice was stronger now, though slow and halting.

‘You are carrying the skull of Golgoleth, and you are back in Ziraccu. How do you feel?’Very fine. I have them all now. The secrets of the past will be mine. My quest for knowledge and wisdom is almost at an end.’What do you do?’I run through the streets, my heart beating rapidly, and I mount the stairs to my rooms. But Azrek is waiting there. ‘You have it?’ he demands, stretching out his hand. ‘Yes,’ I tell him. He is pleased, but he does not smile. ‘Show it to me.’ The other two skulls are on my desk and I hesitate. ‘Surely we must take care,’ I warn him. ‘We do not yet understand the power that may be unleashed.’

‘He waves his hand angrily, strides forward and takes the velvet pouch from my hands, pulling it open. So hasty is he that one of the sharp canines pricks his finger, and blood flows from the wound. I feel a surge of force, dark and cold, and I try to raise a spell to protect me. But it is too late. Azrek staggers back, the

skull glowing like a lantern. He tries to drop it, but it holds to his hands. The hands . . . they are glowing too, every vein shining. I watch as the force flows up his arms. ‘Oh, God!’ he shouts. ‘Help me!’ I should have run, but I could not. The light reaches his face – so bright. Then the skull fades and falls to ash. Azrek’s head is down and I cannot see him clearly. But now he looks up. Oh, dear God, he looks up!’ Cataplas said nothing for a moment, his mouth hanging open, a thin stream of spittle running to his chin.

‘And then?’ prompted Megan.

‘It is not Azrek. The man is tall, his eyes jet-black, his hair white and long. He gazes at me. ‘You desire knowledge,’ he says, his voice deep and melodious. ‘And you shall have it. The wisdom of the universe will be yours. Now fetch me two men, strong men, for my brothers ache to live again.’ I did as he bade me, and in the days that passed I watched more soldiers becoming Vampyres; I saw them move among the people of the city, I heard the screams, the begging, the cries of the damned. On the eighth . . . no, the ninth day -I tried to flee. Early in the morning, with the sun bright and the city apparently deserted. But as I reached the shadows of the postern gate he was there. Golgolgeth. I used all my power against him, but it was as nothing and he reached out and gripped my face, his long nails piercing the skin. ‘Foolish little man,’ he said, and I felt the enchantment being drawn out of me. ‘Go from here,’ he told me. ‘Go into the forest. There you will wander, lost and alone, tired and hungry. And I will find you. Just as your love of life reaches its highest point I will find you – and take your soul.’ The gate opened, though no hand touched it, and he flung me out into the sunlight. I ran then . . . and ran . . . and ran. And now he is coming for me.’ He began to weep, but Megan whispered words of power and his head sagged forward.

The men in the room were silent for a few moments, then Mace cleared his throat. ‘It can’t be true, Megan! His mind has gone, for God’s sake.’It is true, Morningstar. The Vampyre Kings have returned.’

Chapter Eleven

‘I don’t believe it,’ said Brackban, breaking the stunned silence. ‘It is lunacy. His mind has obviously gone.’Believe it!’ said Megan. ‘It is true. It was always the fear, from the first moments of Rabain’s victory. That is why the skulls were hidden far from each other – why three families took a blood oath to protect them for all time. The Vampyre Kings have returned and Ziraccu is a city in torment. But that is only the beginning. Soon there will be a Vampyre army swarming into the forest. And the defeated will not be allowed to die . . . with every victory Golgoleth’s army will swell. And then it will be as it was in this land two thousand years ago, a time of darkness and despair.’How can we stand against Vampyres?’ asked Corlan. The man was visibly shaken, his eyes wide with fear.

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Categories: David Gemmell