Gemmell, David – Morningstar

I glanced down to see that she had taken my dagger and plunged it into her breast. I lowered her to the flagstones, tears blurring my vision, seeing not the Vampyre but the lover I would never hold again.

She died there, and her body did not disappear.

Raul laid his hand on my shoulder. ‘She saved you,’ he said, his voice low. ‘She was a Vampyre and yet she saved you.’It is almost upon you, Owen,’ Megan’s voice screamed inside my skull. ‘Run!’The danger is past,’ I whispered. Still cradling Ilka’s body in my arms.

WoI I can feel it!’Even through my grief I felt the sudden chill of understanding. ‘Megan!’ I cried. ‘It is not here. The danger is with you. It is coming for you!’

But there was no answer. No link.

The numbness had faded from my shoulder and I laid Ilka’s body down and took up her silver sabre. Somewhere within Vampyre-haunted palace was Golgoleth. And I would find him.

Astiana awoke in the night, a dark dream hovering at the edge of memory yet slipping away before she could fasten to it. She sat up; the cabin was empty and cold and she rose from the bed.

Mace and the others had gone and she felt alone.

No, she realized, not just alone. Desolate. Empty.

You fool, she told herself, remembering again that night on the journey from the ruined cabin. Everyone had been asleep, save Piercollo who was on watch. Astiana had felt the need for solitude and had wandered away into the forest to sit beside a silver stream. Swiftly she disrobed, putting aside the thick woollen habit and her underclothes of cotton. The stream was icy-cold, but she enjoyed the silky flow of the water over her skin.

Mace had found her there.

‘You should not stray from the camp,’ he said. ‘There are still robbers in these woods.’I have the Morningstar to protect me,’ she had snapped, angry to be disturbed and sitting up with her arms across her chest.

‘No need to be frightened, sister,’ he said. Til not molest you.’I do not fear you,’she told him.

‘You’ve a good body. Shame you’ve decided to waste it.’How dare you!’ she stormed, rising from the water. ‘You speak of waste? I have spent my life helping others, healing the sick, giving hope to those who have no dreams. What right have you to speak to me of waste? What have you ever done save gratify your lust?’Not much,’ he admitted. ‘And you are quite correct, it was a stupid thing to say.’ He smiled suddenly and removed his shirt, tossing it to her. ‘Here! Dry yourself. You’ll catch cold.’The shirt smelt of woodsmoke and sweat but she used it anyway, then clothed herself.

‘Thank you,’ she told him. ‘Both for the shirt – and for your courtesy.’ She was angry still, but struggled to mask it. Although

she would never have contemplated allowing Mace to make love to her, nevertheless she was irritated that, despite finding her naked, he had made no attempt to seduce her.

‘What will you do,’ she asked him, ‘when the people finally realize what you are, when they see you are not a legend?’I won’t be there to suffer it, lady,’ he told her.

The sharp retort died in her throat, for at first she thought he meant he would flee, and then she realized what he was saying. Her resentment of him vanished like a spent candle.

Tm sorry I said that,’ she whispered. ‘The words were born of anger.’He shrugged and grinned. ‘The truth mostly is, I find.’I don’t want you to die, Jarek.’Why should you care?’ he asked, pushing himself to his feet. ‘You don’t even like me.’No, I don’t. But I love you.’ The words rushed out before she could stop them, and strangely she was not surprised. It was as if Mace’s readiness to die for the cause had breached the wall between them.

‘Oh, I know that,’ he said. ‘Most women do.’Then he had walked away.

She had scarcely spoken to him after that.

Now he was gone. They were all gone.

Astiana sighed. I should be with them, she thought. I am a Gastoigne sister and pledged to stand for the Light against the gathering Dark.

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Categories: David Gemmell