Gemmell, David – Morningstar

‘Knowing what you know, would you really change anything?’ I asked him. ‘If you could go back to that day in the forest, would you walk past my fire?’He sighed, then grinned. ‘Maybe not. I had my parades, Owen. In Kapulis and Porthside they threw flowers before me. And women? I could have had them form a queue. But there’s a price to be paid for these few months of pleasure – and it’s not a price I can afford . . . even with the prospect of meeting Rabain. Can three thousand men defeat ten thousand in an open battle? Against the finest warlord I have ever seen?’There’s only one way to find out, my friend. And no one lives for ever. Face it, Jarek, would you want to grow old and toothless, with women looking on you with disdain?’I am twenty-four years old. That’s a little early to consider losing my teeth! And I expect to mature like fine wine.’I smiled dutifully, and then let the silence grow. ‘I don’t want to go back, Owen,’ he said at last. ‘It has the wrong. . . feel. I cannot see us winning the battle. And I couldn’t watch as men who believed in me were cut down, their dreams destroyed. I couldn’t!’No one will force you to, Jarek. No one. Tomorrow I will go back to Wulf and Piercollo. I will not tell them I have seen you. We will wait until noon, and then make our way back to Ziraccu.’Do you think me a coward?’ he asked.

‘After all that you have done? How could I? Whatever else, you stood your ground and fought the Vampyre Kings. You gave the people hope. And because of you they found their courage again, and their pride. I shall tell Brackban that you were murdered by agents of the King. That way the legend will live on. But you must leave this land and never return.’I understand that. Thank you, Owen. Will you make up a song about me?’If I survive the battle, I shall. And about Wulf and Piercollo. And Ilka, Corlan and Megan. I think it will be a good song.’He stood then and extended his hand.

I took it… and left the monastery castle.

At the lakeside, I found the old man still waiting.

‘Did you see your friend?’ he asked.

‘No,’ I told him. ‘The Morningstar was not there.’

‘What are we waiting for?’ demanded Wulf as I sat quietly in the sunshine, my eyes drawn to the castle on the island. It was more than an hour past noon, and I stood.

‘Nothing at all,’ I said. ‘Let’s be on our way.’Where to?’ he asked. ‘Still north-west?’No. Let’s go back to Ziraccu.’I thought we were looking for Mace,’ he said. ‘What in the Devil’s name is going on, Owen?’It was a fool’s errand and I am tired of it,’ I lied. Wulf swore and Piercollo stared at me, his one dark eye watching my face. But he said nothing until we were well on our way and Wulf was scouting ahead.

‘He was there, friend Owen. Why did you lie?’I gave him the chance to join us and he did not take it. There was no more to be said. Let the world think he died; it is better that way.’It is hard to be adored by so many.’You speak as if you have knowledge of it.’I do. In my country the voice is considered the greatest of musical instruments. We are singers. Every year there is a competition – a great gathering of voices. I won that competition six times. People would travel hundreds of leagues to hear me perform. It began to bear me down. Every day I would practise, until the joy was gone. That is why I took the offer to come to the land of the Ikenas. I ran away, Owen. Fame did not agree with me. Perhaps it is the same for Mace.’I think he is just afraid of dying,’ I said.

He shook his head. ‘I do not think you are right. I think he was more afraid of winning.’I stopped and turned to him. ‘Winning? But then he would achieve all his dreams – riches, power, women.’No, my friend. That would be the end of his dreams. What is there after a war but rebuilding, reorganizing? Endless days of petitions and laws and all the petty day-to-day running of a state. It is no different from having a shop or a store. Bills to pay, stock to order, workers to instruct. It would be dull, Owen. What need would the people have for a Morningstar?’His words shook me, for I could feel the ring of truth in them. Mace was in an impossible situation. Defeat would mean death, and victory an end to a life he enjoyed.

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Categories: David Gemmell