Gemmell, David – Morningstar

‘You seem right friendly, master Graeme. But we have other thoughts on our minds – do we not, lads? Last night we lost two of our men, but we captured and killed our enemy. So today we are in the mood to celebrate our victory. What better way is known to man than to enjoy the soft bodies of women? You, sister, remove your garments, if you please. It has been a long time since I’ve heard a nun screaming with pleasure.’I doubt it was pleasure,’ Astiana told him.

‘Surely a hero would not stoop to actions so base?’ I said swiftly.

He laughed and shook his head. ‘Base? There is nothing base in rutting with women. It is what they were created for – to pleasure men. Now, sister, the garments. I wish to see those hidden breasts.’Ilka scrambled to her feet, drawing her sabre. Kaygan stepped back, his smile in place. ‘Such spirit!’ he whispered. ‘Perhaps I should have you first, my pretty! Cheos, you and Symen take the nun! This one wishes to see my skill with a sabre.’Two of the bowmen put down their weapons and advanced on Astiana. ‘Never had a nun,’ said the first, a thin bearded woodsman in brown leather leggings and a deerskin jerkin.

‘Then it’s time you widened your education, Cheos,’ said Kaygan. ‘You will find the experience most satisfying.’ He drew his own weapon and extended the point, tapping it against Ilka’s blade.

‘No!’ I shouted, drawing my dagger.

‘Oh, and kill the bard,’ he said, not even looking at me.

I am not quick to anger, but the contempt with which he treated me fired my blood. One of the men drew his own knife and advanced upon me. So great was my fury that, instead of retreating or begging for life, I threw myself at him. His eyes widened in shock and he tried to stab at me. With my left hand I thrust aside his arm, my own dagger slicing into his belly and up into the lungs above. He sagged against me and gave out with a low groan. Wrenching the blade clear, I let him fall. Kaygan turned and gazed at me with new eyes. ‘You will die slowly for that,’ he promised.

‘Show me!’ I snarled.

An arrow slashed through the air to punch through the temple of the man Cheos. He staggered to the left and then fell across the

fire, flames searing up around his clothing. Another arrow slammed into the chest of the second man, Symen; he grunted and fell back against the wall, vainly trying to pull the shaft loose. Kaygan leapt to where Astiana stood at the far wall, seizing her habit and dragging her in front of him.

‘Let her go!’ I ordered him. He replied with an obscenity, lifting his sabre and holding the blade at Astiana’s throat.

‘Who is out there?’ he demanded of me.

‘The Morningstar,’ I told him. ‘And you are about to die!’Jernais, get the other woman!’ The last of his men ran at Ilka but an arrow punched through his back, high on the shoulder, just as he reached her. As he arched back, screaming, Ilka stepped forward to slash her sabre through his throat.

‘You are alone, Kaygan,’ I said softly. ‘Or do you think to spend the rest of your life hiding behind the sister?’Call him in!’ he ordered me. ‘I wish to see his face.’I walked out into the open. ‘Only one is left alive,’ I called, ‘and he is holding Astiana hostage.’ Mace and Wulf stepped into sight, arrows notched and bows bent. ‘He wants to see the Morningstar.’Mace tossed his bow to Wulf and strode into the ruined building.

‘You don’t look so formidable,’ sneered Kaygan.

‘Are you going to kill her, or stand there talking all day?’I will kill her – unless you agree to meet me in single combat, sword to sword.’All right,’ said Mace suddenly, ‘let her go and we will duel.’ Drawing his sword he stepped out into the open, turning to see Kaygan hurl Astiana aside.

‘Now, Wulf!’ snapped Mace. The hunchback sent his shaft straight at Kaygan’s chest, but the man’s sabre flashed through the air, cutting the arrow in two. Mace swore and Kaygan ran forward and leapt into the clearing, a wide grin on his face.

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Categories: David Gemmell